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SSL error when calling SentinelAPI, certificate verification error

XinStoneSto opened this issue · comments

Hi all,

I am facing a SSL error while using Sentinelsat:
The code is written as:

api= SentinelAPI('user', 'password', '', show_progressbars= True)
result_length= []
sdate1= []
cloudcover= []
L= [3]
for i in L:
    footprint= geojson_to_wkt (read_geojson (fr'Res{i}.geojson'))
    #footprint= geojson_to_wkt (read_geojson (fr'reservoirs_0_{i}.geojson'))
    #footprint= geojson_to_wkt (read_geojson ('Fushui.geojson'))
    #Search for the product
    products0 = api.query(footprint,
                          date= ('20190101', 'NOW'),
                          area_relation="Contains",  #set to contains so that only patches include the entire shapefile will be downloaded
                                                     #'Intersects', 'Contains', 'IsWithin'
                          platformname= 'Sentinel-2',
                          processinglevel = 'Level-2A',             #Products level, 'S2MSI2A' denotes for S2-L2A level
                          #area_relation= ('contains'),
                          cloudcoverpercentage= (0, 100))

And it is throwing error:

SSLError: HTTPSConnectionPool(host=‘’, port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /apihub/search?format=json&rows=100&start=0&q=beginPosition%3A%5B%222019-01-01T00%3A00%3A00Z%22+TO+%22NOW%22%5D+cloudcoverpercentage%3A%5B%220%22+TO+%22100%22%5D+platformname%3A%22Sentinel-2%22+processinglevel%3A%22Level-2A%22+footprint%3A%22Contains%28GEOMETRYCOLLECTION%28POLYGON%28%28107.2278+29.9018%2C107.4603+29.9018%2C107.4603+30.0721%2C107.2278+30.0721%2C107.2278+29.9018%29%29%29%29%22 (Caused by SSLError(SSLCertVerificationError(1, ‘[SSL: CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED] certificate verify failed: unable to get local issuer certificate (_ssl.c:997)’)))

I am new to programming so I do not really understand how to tackle this problem, could you maybe elaborate a bit more?
So far I have tried:

pip install --upgrade certifi

tried to download the certificate from and installed it by default
But nothing worked.
It would be great if anyone could help me on this.