sensu / sensu-pagerduty-handler

Sensu Go PagerDuty Handler

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leventogut opened this issue · comments


SENSU_EVENT_LABEL is empty therefore the integration is not working, is sensu suppose to fill in or do we need to create it and if so what would be the value?

I don't see this environment variable (SENSU_EVENT_LABEL) in any of Sensu's docs. It doesn't exist, so I'm not sure how the current release is working for anyone. I downgraded to v1.1.0 of this handler to get it working.

confirmed, 1.1.0 ftw (for now)

I believe that this is only an example and that you should be using your own label in place rather than using SENSU_EVENT_LABEL. I think this could be called out as an example much clearer.

Based on

This will use the value of the label that it will attempt to use as a dedup key to the pagerduty request.

+1 on this - I've spent hours trying to figure out what was wrong as I thought 'SENSU_EVENT_LABEL' was a special variable or already set somewhere..