sensepost / ruler

A tool to abuse Exchange services

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

'Wrong WWW-Authenticate header' error brute forcing OWA

reybango opened this issue · comments

Not sure if the project is still supported but since it's mentioned frequently in posts about password spraying I tried to use it against the Hack the Box Rasta pro lab. Ruler version: 2.4.1 released this Feb 19, 2021

I received the following error:

[+] Starting bruteforce
[+] Trying to Autodiscover domain
[+] 0 of 2 passwords checked
[x] Failed: rhysweston:Summer2022
ERROR: 15:58:16 brute.go:193: An error occured in connection - Get "https://rastalabs.local/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml": Wrong WWW-Authenticate header
[x] Failed: westonrhys:Summer2022
ERROR: 15:58:16 brute.go:193: An error occured in connection - Get "https://rastalabs.local/autodiscover/autodiscover.xml": Wrong WWW-Authenticate header
[x] Failed: rhys.weston:Summer2022 ```

Would appreciate some help.