sensepost / ruler

A tool to abuse Exchange services

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Unable to run ruler

M-Ather opened this issue · comments

Thanks for the excellent tool you developed for abusing Exchange Services. I have setup the ruler.go and trying to execute the command but it just returns the help page every time without showing any error. I tried to search for the solution on the wiki page and internet but no success. I am using ruler on Windows X, my GOPATH value is c:\go\bin Can you please look at the following command and guide what am I doing wrong:

C:\Users\Dell\go\src\\sensepost\ruler>go run ruler.go --domain -users b
This command results in following error: Incorrect Usage. flag provided but not defined: -users

And when I try to execute this Command: C:\Users\Dell\go\src\\sensepost\ruler>go run ruler.go --domain --username -b
The above commands just outputs the help of ruler
Please help.

Hi @M-Ather

Thank you for trying it out! It looks like your GOPATH and setup is correct, Ruler is executing :) The trouble you are running into is with the CLI arguments. Have you had a look at the examples in the Wiki

You seem to be trying a brute-force, in that case you are looking for:

go run ruler.go --domain brute --users /path/to/user.txt --passwords /path/to/passwords.txt

Note how brute is not a dash-argument, and that all the other arguments require double dashes --

Perfect. Worked as expected