senovr / SirChatalot

SirChatalot is a Telegram bot powered by ChatGPT (with vision via GPT-4V) or YandexGPT. Speech-to-text is done by Whisper.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


This is a Telegram bot that can use various services to generate responses to messages.
As for now it can use OpenAI ChatGPT API (or other compatible API), Yandex GPT to generate responses, and OpenAI's GPT-4 models with vision support for image-based tasks.

This bot can also be used to generate responses to voice messages. Bot will convert the voice message to text and will then generate a response. Speech recognition is done using the OpenAI Whisper model. To use this feature, you need to install the ffmpeg library. Voice message support won't work without it.

This bot is also support working with files (.docx, .doc, .pptx, .ppt, .pdf and .txt). It extract texts from them and then generate a response. To fully use this feature, you need to install the catdoc (for Linux) or comtypes for windows. .doc and .ppt files support won't work without it.

Possible breaking changes

In the end of July 2023 there was made some changes to a bot architecture.
Now bot can use different chat engines, not only OpenAI (which is still default).
Legacy mode is no longer supported.
In addition, the bot was upgraded to use new version of the OpenAI Python API library, which introduced significant changes.

Getting Started

  • Create a bot using the BotFather.
  • Clone the repository.

Manual steps

  • Install the required packages by running the command pip install -r requirements.txt.
  • Install the ffmpeg library for voice message support (for converting .ogg files to other format) and test it calling ffmpeg --version in the terminal. Voice message support won't work without it.
  • If you use Linux - install catdoc for .doc and .ppt files support and test it calling catdoc in the terminal. .doc and .ppt files support won't work without it.
    If you use Windows - install comtypes for .doc and .ppt files support with pip install comtypes.
  • Create a .config file in the data directory using the config.example file in that directory as a template.
  • Run the bot by running the command python3

Whitelist.txt, banlist.txt, .config, chat_modes.ini, are stored in the ./data directory. Logs rotate every day and are stored in the ./logs directory.

Bot is designed to talk to you in a style of a knight in the middle ages by default. You can change that in the ./data/.config file (SystemMessage).

There are also some additional styles that you can choose from: Alice, Bob, Charlie and Diana. You can change style from chat by sending a message with /style command, but your current session will be dropped. Styles can be set up in the ./data/chat_modes.ini file. You can add your own styles there or change the existing ones.


The bot requires a configuration file to run. The configuration file should be in INI file format and should contain the following fields:

Token = 0000000000:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
AccessCodes = whitelistcode,secondwhitelistcode
RateLimitTime = 3600
GeneralRateLimit = 100
TextEngine = OpenAI

LogLevel = WARNING
LogChats = False

SecretKey = xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
ChatModel = gpt-3.5-turbo
ChatModelPromptPrice = 0.0015
ChatModelCompletionPrice = 0.002
WhisperModel = whisper-1
WhisperModelPrice = 0.006
Temperature = 0.7
MaxTokens = 3997
MinLengthTokens = 100
AudioFormat = wav
SystemMessage = You are a helpful assistant named Sir Chat-a-lot, who answers in a style of a knight in the middle ages.
MaxSessionLength = 15
ChatDeletion = False
EndUserID = True
Moderation = False
Vision = False
ImageSize = 512
DeleteImageAfterAnswer = False
ImageDescriptionOnDelete = False

Enabled = True
MaxFileSizeMB = 10
MaxSummaryTokens = 1000
MaxFileLength = 10000
DeleteAfterProcessing = True

instructionText=You are a helpful assistant named Sir Chat-a-lot, who answers in a style of a knight in the middle ages.
  • Telegram.Token: The token for the Telegram bot.
  • Telegram.AccessCodes: A comma-separated list of access codes that can be used to add users to the whitelist. If no access codes are provided, anyone who not in the banlist will be able to use the bot.
  • Telegram.RateLimitTime: The time in seconds to calculate user rate-limit. Optional.
  • Telegram.GeneralRateLimit: The maximum number of messages that can be sent by a user in the Telegram.RateLimitTime period. Applied to all users. Optional.
  • Telegram.TextEngine: The text engine to use. Optional, default is OpenAI. Other options are YandexGPT.
  • Logging.LogLevel: The logging level. Optional, default is WARNING.
  • Logging.LogChats: If set to True, bot will log all chats. Optional, default is False.
  • OpenAI.SecretKey: The secret key for the OpenAI API.
  • OpenAI.ChatModel: The model to use for generating responses (gpt-3.5-turbo, gpt-3.5-turbo-16k are available for GPT-3.5, gpt-4, gpt-4-32k are available for GPT-4).
  • OpenAI.ChatModelPrice: The price of the model to use for generating responses (per 1000 tokens, in USD).
  • OpenAI.WhisperModel: The model to use for speech recognition (Speect-to-text can be powered by whisper-1 for now).
  • OpenAI.WhisperModelPrice: The price of the model to use for speech recognition (per minute, in USD).
  • OpenAI.Temperature: The temperature to use for generating responses.
  • OpenAI.MaxTokens: The maximum number of tokens to use for generating responses.
  • OpenAI.MinLengthTokens: The minimum number of tokens to use for generating responses. Optional, default 100.
  • OpenAI.AudioFormat: The audio format to convert voice messages (ogg) to (can be wav, mp3 or other supported by Whisper). Stated whithout a dot.
  • OpenAI.SystemMessage: The message that will shape your bot's personality.
  • OpenAI.MaxSessionLength: The maximum number of user messages in a session (can be used to reduce tokens used). Optional.
  • OpenAI.ChatDeletion: Whether to delete the user's history if conversation is too long. Optional.
  • OpenAI.EndUserID: Whether to add the user's ID to the API request. Optional.
  • OpenAI.Moderation: Whether to use the OpenAI's moderation engine. Optional.
  • OpenAI.Vision: Whether to use vision capabilities of GPT-4 models. Default: False.
  • OpenAI.ImageSize: Maximum size of images. If image is bigger than that it will be resized. Default: 512
  • OpenAI.DeleteImageAfterAnswer: Whether to delete image after it was seen by model. Enable it to keep cost of API usage low. Default: False.
  • OpenAI.ImageDescriptionOnDelete: Whether to replace image with it description after it was deleted (see OpenAI.DeleteImageAfterAnswer). Default: False.
  • Files.Enabled: Whether to enable files support. Optional. Default: True.
  • Files.MaxFileSizeMB: The maximum file size in megabytes. Optional. Default: 20.
  • Files.MaxSummaryTokens: The maximum number of tokens to use for generating summaries. Optional. Default: OpenAI.MaxTokens/2.
  • Files.MaxFileLength: The maximum number of tokens to use for generating summaries. Optional. Default: 10000.
  • Files.DeleteAfterProcessing: Whether to delete files after processing. Optional. Deafult: True.
  • YandexGPT.KeyID: The key ID for the Yandex Cloud.
  • YandexGPT.SecretKey: The secret key for the Yandex Cloud.
  • YandexGPT.CatalogID: The catalog ID for the Yandex Cloud.
  • YandexGPT.ChatEndpoint: The endpoint for the Yandex Cloud chat API.
  • YandexGPT.InstructEndpoint: The endpoint for the Yandex Cloud instruct API.
  • YandexGPT.ChatModel: The model to use for generating responses (general).
  • YandexGPT.PartialResults: Whether to use partial results. Optional. Default: False. Does not change anything for now in the current implementation.
  • YandexGPT.Temperature: The temperature to use for generating responses.
  • YandexGPT.MaxTokens: The maximum number of tokens to use for generating responses.
  • YandexGPT.instructionText: The message that will shape your bot's personality.

Configuration should be stored in the ./data/.config file. Use the config.example file in the ./data directory as a template.


Bot supports different styles that can be triggered with /style command.
You can add your own style in the ./data/chat_modes.ini file or change the existing ones. Styles are stored in the INI file format.

Description = Empathetic and friendly
SystemMessage = You are a empathetic and friendly woman named Alice, who answers helpful, funny and a bit flirty.

Description = Brief and informative
SystemMessage = You are a helpful assistant named Bob, who is informative and explains everything succinctly with fewer words.

Here is a list of the fields in this example:

  • Alice or Bob: The name of the style.
  • Description: Short description of the style. Is used in message that is shown when /style command is called.
  • SystemMessage: The message that will shape your bot's personality. You will need some prompt engineering to make it work properly.


Bot supports working with files. You can send a file to the bot and it will send back a response based on the file's extracted text.
It can work quite poorly with some files, create an issue if you find a problem.
Files temporarily stored in the ./data/files directory. After successful processing, they are deleted if other behavior is not specified in the ./data/.config file.
Currently supported file types: .docx, .doc, .pptx, .ppt, .pdf, .txt.
Maximum file size to work with is 20 MB (python-telegram-bot limitation), you can set your own limit in the ./data/.config file (in MB), but it will be limited by the python-telegram-bot limit.
If file is too large, the bot will attempt to summarize it to the length of MaxTokens/2. You can set your own limit in the ./data/.config file (in tokens - one token is ~4 characters).
You can also limit max file lenght (in characters) by setting the Files.MaxFileLength field in the ./data/.config file (in tokens). It can be set because sumarization is made with API requests and it can be expensive.
Summarisation will happen by chunks of size Files.MaxSummaryTokens until the whole file is processed. Summary for chunks will be combined into one summary (maximum 3 itterations, then text is just cut).

You can disable files support in the ./data/.config file by setting Files.Enabled to False.

Using GPT-4

You can use GPT-4 if you got an access to it. To do that, you need to change the OpenAI.ChatModel and change OpenAI.ChatModelPrice field to ChatModelPromptPrice and ChatModelCompletionPrice (Prompt and completion prices are different for GPT-4) in the ./data/.config file:

ChatModel = gpt-4-1106-preview
ChatModelPromptPrice = 0.01
ChatModelCompletionPrice = 0.03

ChatModelPrice calculates for the whole message, so it is not representative in this case. Use ChatModelPromptPrice and ChatModelCompletionPrice instead. They calculate for the prompt and completion separately.

Models can be found here:
Prices can be found here:

Using GPT-4 will require more money, but it will also give you more power. GPT-4 is a much more powerful model than GPT-3.5-turbo. It capable of generating longer responses and can be used for more complex tasks.
gpt-4-1106-preview is a model from GPT-4 Turbo family, which can be more powerful than GPT-4 and offered at a lower price.


GPT-4 can now understand images with a new model gpt-4-vision-preview. You can use it with SirChatalot.
To use this functionality you should make some changes in configuration file. Example:

ChatModel = gpt-4-vision-preview
ChatModelPromptPrice = 0.01
ChatModelCompletionPrice = 0.03
Vision = True
ImageSize = 512
DeleteImageAfterAnswer = False
ImageDescriptionOnDelete = False

Check if you have an access to GPT-4V.
Models can be found here:
Prices can be found here:

Beware that right now functionalty for calculating cost of usage is not working for images, so you should pay attenion to that.
gpt-4-vision-preview is a model from GPT-4 Turbo family, which can be more capable than GPT-4 and offered at a lower price.

Using OpenAI compatible APIs

You can use APIs compatible with OpenAI's API. To do that, you need to set endpoint in the OpenAI section of the ./data/.config file:

APIBase =
SecretKey = myapikey
ChatModel = gpt-3.5-turbo
Temperature = 0.7
Moderation = False

Also it is possible to set APIType and APIVersion fields in the ./data/.config file.
All this values are optional. Do not set them if you don't know what they are.
Library openai-python is used for API requests.
Tested with LocalAI. Vision is still untested for alternative APIs.

Using YandexGPT

YandexGPT is in Preview, you should request access to it.
You should have a service account Yandex Cloud account to use YandexGPT ( Service account should have access to the YandexGPT API.
To use YandexGPT, you need to change the Telegram.TextEngine field to YandexGPT in the ./data/.config file:

Token = 111111111:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
AccessCodes = 123456789
GeneralRateLimit = 60
RateLimitTime = 3600
TextEngine = YandexGPT

instructionText=You are a helpful assistant named Sir Chatalot.

YandexGPT support is experimental and can be unstable, please submit an issue if you find a problem.

Running the Bot

To run the bot, simply run the command python3 The bot will start and will wait for messages. The bot has the following commands:

  • /start: starts the conversation with the bot.
  • /help: shows the help message.
  • /delete: deletes the conversation history.
  • /statistics: shows the bot usage.
  • /style: changes the style of the bot from chat.
  • /limit: shows the current rate-limit for the user.
  • Any other message (including voice message) will generate a response from the bot.

Users need to be whitelisted to use the bot. To whitelist yourself, send an access code to the bot using the /start command. The bot will then add you to the whitelist and will send a message to you confirming that you have been added to the whitelist. Access code should be changed in the ./data/.config file (see Configuration). Codes are shown in terminal when the bot is started.

Whitelisting users

To add yourself to the whitelist, send the bot a message with one of the access codes (see Configuration). The bot will then add you to the whitelist and will send a message to you confirming that. Alternatively, you can add users to the whitelist manually. To do that, add the user's Telegram ID to the ./data/whitelist.txt file. If no access codes are provided, anyone who not in the banlist will be able to use the bot.

Banning Users

To ban a user you should add their Telegram ID to the ./data/banlist.txt file. Each ID should be on a separate line. Banlist has a higher priority than the whitelist. If a user is on the banlist, they will not be able to use the bot and the will see a message saying that they have been banned.

Safety practices

To prevent the bot from being used for purposes that violate the OpenAI's usage policy, you can use:

  • Moderation: Moderation will filter out messages that can violate the OpenAI's usage policy with free OpenAI's Moderation API. In this case, message is sent to the Moderation API and if it is flagged, it is not sent to the OpenAI's API. If you want to use it, set OpenAI.Moderation to true in the ./data/.config file (see Configuration). User will be notified if their message is flagged.
  • End-user IDs: End-user IDs will be added to the API request if OpenAI.EndUserID is set to true in the ./data/.config file (see Configuration). Sending end-user IDs in your requests can be a useful tool to help OpenAI monitor and detect abuse. This allows OpenAI to provide your team with more actionable feedback in the event of bot abuse. End-user ID is a hashed Telegram ID of the user.
  • Rate limiting: Rate limiting will limit the number of messages a user can send to the bot. If you want to use it, set Telegram.GeneralRateLimit to a number of messages a user can send to the bot in a time period in the ./data/.config file (see Configuration).
  • Banlist: Banlist will prevent users from using the bot. If you want to use it, add user's Telegram ID to the ./data/banlist.txt file (see Banning Users).
  • Whitelist: Whitelist will allow only whitelisted users to use the bot. If you want to use it, add user's Telegram ID to the ./data/whitelist.txt file (see Whitelisting Users).

Rate limiting users

To limit the number of messages a user can send to the bot, add their Telegram ID and limit to the ./data/rates.txt file. Each ID should be on a separate line. Example:


Rate limit is a number of messages a user can send to the bot in a time period. In example user with ID 123456789 has 10 and user 987654321 has 500 messages limit. User 111111 has no limit (overriding GeneralRateLimit).
Time period (in seconds) can be set in the ./data/.config file in RateLimitTime variable in Telegram section (see Configuration). If no time period is provided, limit is not applied.
General rate limit can be set in the ./data/.config file in GeneralRateLimit variable in Telegram section (see Configuration). If no general rate limit is provided, limit is not applied for users who are not in the rates.txt file. To override general rate limit for a user, set their limit to 0 in the rates.txt file.
Users can check their limit by sending the bot a message with the /limit command.

Deleting Conversation History

To delete the conversation history on the server, send the bot a message with the /delete command. The bot will then delete the conversation history and will send a message to you confirming that the history has been deleted. After that it will be a new conversation from the bot's point of view. Conversation history in the Telegram chat will not be affected.

Generating Responses

To generate a response, send the bot a message (or a voice message). The bot will then generate a response and send it back to you.

Using Docker

You can use Docker to run the bot. You need to build the image first. To do that, run the following command in the root directory of the project after configuring the bot (see Configuration):

docker compose up -d

This will build the image and run the container. You can then use the bot as described above.
To stop the container, run the following command:

docker compose down

Read messages

You can read user messages for moderation purposes with
Call it from project root dir like this:



  • The bot stores the whitelist in plain text. The file is not encrypted and can be accessed by anyone with access to the server.
  • The bot stores chat history in as a pickle file. The file is not encrypted and can be accessed by anyone with access to the server.
  • Configurations are stored in plain text. The file is not encrypted and can be accessed by anyone with access to the server.
  • The bot can store messages in a log file in a event of an error. The file is not encrypted and can be accessed by anyone with access to the server.
  • The bot temporarily stores voice messages in ./data/voice directory. The files are deleted after processing (successful or not), but can remain on the server if the event of an error. The files are not encrypted and can be accessed by anyone with access to the server.
  • The bot is not designed to be used in production environments. It is not secure and was build as a proof of concept and for ChatGPT API testing purposes.
  • The bot will try to continue conversation in the event of reaching maximum number of tokens by creating summary of the conversation and using it as a prompt for the next response. This can lead to the bot anwering poorly.
  • The bot is using a lot of read and write operations with pickle files right now. This can lead to a poor performance on some servers if the bot is used by a lot of users. Immediate fix for that is mounting the ./data/tech directory as a RAM disk, but in a event of a server shutdown, all data will be lost.
  • The bot can work with files. If file was not processed or Files.DeleteAfterProcessing is set to False in the ./data/.config file (see Configuration), the file will be stored in ./data/files directory. The files are not encrypted and can be accessed by anyone with access to the server.
  • If message is flagged by the Moderation API, it will not be sent to the OpenAI's API, but it will be stored in ./data/moderation.txt file for manual review. The file is not encrypted and can be accessed by anyone with access to the server.
  • Use this bot at your own risk. I am not responsible for any damage caused by this bot.
  • Functionalty for calculating cost of usage is not working for images for now, so you should pay attenion to that.


This project is licensed under GPLv3. See the LICENSE file for more details.



SirChatalot is a Telegram bot powered by ChatGPT (with vision via GPT-4V) or YandexGPT. Speech-to-text is done by Whisper.

License:GNU General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 99.4%Language:Dockerfile 0.6%