sendgrid / ruby-http-client

SendGrid's Ruby HTTP Client for calling APIs

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ratelimit methods not working as expected

barrettkingram opened this issue · comments

Issue Summary

Response#ratelimit is not working as expected. It just returns nil every time. I believe this is because of a header capitalization mismatch between what that method expects and what is actually returned.

Code Snippet

sendgrid_client = SENDGRID_API_KEY).client
data = {automatic_security: true, custom_spf: false, default: false, domain: "", subdomain: "abc"}.stringify_keys
response = data)

# This returns nil

# This returns ["1"]

# This returns nil

Technical details:

  • ruby-http-client version: 3.5.1
  • ruby version: 2.5


Looking at the docs for Net::HttpHeader, it states that the keys should be case-insensitive, but looking at this relevant StackOverflow post, reading the header hash (which is done to populate response headers under the hood) returns lower-cased keys. This appears to be causing issues as we construct the RateLimit object in ruby_http_client.rb. The fix here would be updating L72-74 to use the lower cased header key.

This issue has been added to our internal backlog to be prioritized. Pull requests and +1s on the issue summary will help it move up the backlog.