semagrow / semagrow

A SPARQL query federator of heterogeneous data sources

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Cannot process query

antru6 opened this issue · comments

The query is:

PREFIX geo: <>
PREFIX geof: <>
PREFIX uom: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX fs: <>

SELECT ?wkt1 ?dist
  ?field fs:hasCropTypeName "MAIZE"^^<> .
  ?field fs:hasArea ?area .
  ?field geo:hasGeometry ?geo1 .
  ?geo1 geo:asWKT ?wkt1 .

  ?snowCover rdf:type fs:FoodSecurityObservation .
  ?snowCover fs:hasDN ?dn .
  ?snowCover fs:hasRECDATE "2018-03-10T00:00:00"^^<> .
  ?snowCover geo:hasGeometry ?geo2 .
  ?geo2 geo:asWKT ?wkt2 .

  FILTER (?dn > 80) .

  BIND(geof:distance(?wkt1, ?wkt2, uom:metre) as ?dist).

  FILTER(geof:sfIntersects(?wkt1, "POLYGON ((14.69 48.115, 14.69 48.15, 14.78 48.15, 14.78 48.115, 14.69 48.115))"^^geo:wktLiteral))
  FILTER(geof:sfIntersects(?wkt2, "POLYGON ((14.69 48.115, 14.69 48.15, 14.78 48.15, 14.78 48.115, 14.69 48.115))"^^geo:wktLiteral))

  FILTER (?dist < 50000) .

and the endpoint is
The problem is that the contents of ?dist variable are not displayed.