sekikn / spark-sql-flow-plugin

Visualize data lineage in Spark SQL

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

License Build and test

This experimental plugin enables you to easily analyze a column-level reference relationship between views registered in Spark SQL. The feature is useful for deciding which views should be cached and which should not.

Note that the diagram above shows the column-level references of views that spark-data-repair-plugin generates to repair the cells of an input table. In the diagram, light-pink, light-yellow, and light-blue nodes represent leaf plans, views, and cached plan, respectively.

How to visualize your views

$ git clone
$ cd spark-sql-flow-plugin
$ ./bin/spark-shell

Welcome to
      ____              __
     / __/__  ___ _____/ /__
    _\ \/ _ \/ _ `/ __/  '_/
   /__ / .__/\_,_/_/ /_/\_\   version 3.1.2

# Defines some views for this example
scala> sql("CREATE TABLE TestTable (key INT, value INT)")
scala> sql("CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW TestView1 AS SELECT key, SUM(value) s FROM TestTable GROUP BY key")
scala> sql("CACHE TABLE TestView1")
scala> sql("CREATE TEMPORARY VIEW TestView2 AS SELECT t.key, t.value, v.s FROM TestTable t, TestView1 v WHERE t.key = v.key")

# Generates a Graphviz dot file to represent reference relationships between views
scala> import org.apache.spark.sql.SQLFlow
scala> SQLFlow.saveAsSQLFlow(path="/tmp/sqlflow-output")

$ cd /tmp/sqlflow-output
$ ls     sqlflow.svg is a Graphviz dot file and you can use the Graphviz dot command or GraphvizOnline to convert the generated file into a specified image, e.g., SVG and PNG. If dot already installed on your machine, a SVG-formatted image (sqlflow.svg in this example) is automatically generated by default. Finally, the SVG-formatted image is as follows:

If contracted is set to true, a generated diagram shows nodes for leaf plans and views:

scala> SQLFlow.saveAsSQLFlow(path="/tmp/sqlflow-contracted-output", contracted = true)


  • Support global temp views

Bug reports

If you hit some bugs and requests, please leave some comments on Issues or Twitter (@maropu).


Visualize data lineage in Spark SQL

License:Apache License 2.0


Language:Scala 76.6%Language:Shell 15.8%Language:Python 7.5%