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Control your Somfy receivers with a Sonoff RF Bridge

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didn't pair sonof rf bridge from telis 4 RTS remote

fosterym opened this issue · comments

Good day
tasmota 8.1 with Portisch firmware for RF

I sniffed code from rfraw 177 push button from remote
01:52:13 MQT: rf433-bridge/rf433-bridge/RESULT = {"Time":"1970-01-01T01:52:13","RfRaw":{"Data":"AA B1 05 0A1E 12FC 050A 028A 8106 00000000000000122222233333333222233223322223333233233333333233233332332333322333333333333333333333333334 55"}}

and put it to your code:
(yfmos) root@raspberrypi:/home/pi/yfmos# python init --device 0x144051 --rollingcode 0 --profile mainroom2 AA B1 05 0A1E 12FC 050A 028A 8106 00000000000000122222233333333222233223322223333233233333333233233332332333322333333333333333333333333334 55
(init) next: 1, second: True
(yfmos) root@raspberrypi:/home/pi/yfmos# python gen --profile mainroom2 --repeat 8 --command PROG
Group A B C D F G
Byte: 0H 0L 1H 1L 2 3 4 5 6
! 0xA + R-KEY ! C M D + C K S ! Rollingcode ! Remote Handheld Addr. !
! 0xA + 0x1 ! 0x8 + 0x7 ! 0x0001 ! 0x144051 !
RfRaw AA B0 3D 05 08 0A1E 12FC 050A 028A 8106 000000000000001222233333322332233233233332233233233332233233332332332332332233332332332332233332234 55

after that, switched working remote to pair mode (shades make a sharp movement)

and try to put command from web-console
RfRaw AA B0 3D 05 08 0A1E 12FC 050A 028A 8106 000000000000001222233333322332233233233332233233233332233233332332332332332233332332332332233332234 55

but shades didn't react:-(
please help to resolve problem

Try repeat 2, worked for me for the same remote. Recommended repeat 8 didn't.

Is the device ID 0x144051 unique or did you reuse it? If you reuse it, you have to start with rolling code slightly higher than the last one. Is the RF bridge near the shade?
The number of repeats represent the thy of keypress. Low number => short press; Higher number => long keypress.

it's a sonoff rf bridge "Flash Chip Id". what is it "device"? where I can find it?
rf bridge in 2 meter from shade

I think I did not understand the procedure correctly.
can you tell the step by step instruction?
I want to connect the control to the Home Assistant

@fosterym - every time you're retrying the procedure again, make sure you change the device id to a unique new value (it doesn't matter which one, maybe just increment the id by 1). The id is fictional, you're just making your own virtual remote control:
so e.g. in your code, the
--device 0x144051 should be changed to e.g. --device 0x144052 on retrying.

btw, here are the step I use:

  1. [in tasmota console] rfraw 177
  2. [on somfy remote] I keep programming btn pushed and sniff its code (that saves me 1 step)
  3. [on PC] init --device 0x000001 --rollingcode 0 --profile mainroom2 <last captured string from tasmota console>
  4. [in tasmota console] backlog rfraw <B1 string generated by yfmos init>
  5. [roller bladed] confirm the registration with sharp movement
  6. [on PC] yfmos run --profile mainroom2 --command UP
  • i see you omitted the backlog command, i''m not suer that is the culprit, but perhaps try to use it.

For every new virtual remote you come up with your own, unique device id. You should not reuse the id of your physical remote, otherwise you'll get conflicts with the rolling code.

@rplevka described all required steps - that should work.

It would be nice to have an HA integration. It is on my todo list, but I haven't even started with it.

Feel free to use my solution for Home Assistant integration, works like a charm:

@rplevka Thank You! I'm succefuly pair rf433 with somfy roller shutter

@dzwiedzmin I tryed to use your script with HA. But it work with error. Partialy rfraw command is broken and didn't apply with rf433

for example:
correct DOWN command: AA B0 43 05 10 09EC 12CA 04F6 0276 6AFE 00000000000000122223333332333333223333333333332233333333332333322333323333333333333333233332233332333322333334 55

incorrect MY command: AA B0 3B 05 10 09EC 12CA 04F6 0276 6AFE 00000000000000122223333332332233333322332233333322332332233332233222222223322333322332233332234 55

rf433 bridge makes a squeaky sound and didn't accept MY command

@fosterym that might be this issue:

can you try to execute some command at least 16 times in a row and see whether some of them get through successfully? (get prepared for a lot of beeping ;))

Yes. I did it. And after 15 times repeat the same command MY (bridge was beep) it do it. But after this the same problem with command UP and DOWN.
I pushed 15 times command UP, after this action UP and DOWN works, but return problem with command MY :-(((

you might try to apply my workaround. It's ugly, but it gets the thing done:
(tl;dr - it simply keeps generating [and discarding] the B0 string until a valid one (its length is an even number) is generated).


Sory. But I 'm not developer:-( can You describe what I need to do?

just replace your current file by this one:
(do not forget to back up the original ;) )

Guys, I resolved my case. I bought a russian usb adapter with Somfy and AKKA support and it works perfect througm command line to serial commands.