segment-integrations / analytics.js-integration-facebook-conversion-tracking

The Facebook Conversion Tracking analytics.js integration.

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Facebook conversions don't pass correct currency

albybarber opened this issue · comments

I have been testing using analytics.js and have noticed that conversions with currency are not being tracked properly.

I know what the fix is but can't get npm test to work? do i need a particular version of node or npm?

@albybarber thanks for flagging this! the package.json should specify the required toolchain in devDeps. I know this is tangential from addressing your specific issue, but we want to make sure these repos are self-contained and testable without any obstacles, so would you mind sharing the error you're seeing and the version of node you're running?

If you can explain the specific issue you're seeing wrt currency we're happy to help with the fix, as well! Thanks!

Thanks for the rapid response @sperand-io

I have created a pull request for the fix (ignore the first one something happen to the tabbing)

I am happy to switch versions of node or npm.

I am currently on node - v4.2.2 and npm - 3.3.12

I get this error after an npm install

npm WARN ENOENT ENOENT: no such file or directory, open '/Users/alby/gitCode/analytics.js-integration-facebook-conversion-tracking/node_modules/combine-source-map/package.json'
npm WARN EPEERINVALID eslint-config-segment@1.0.18 requires a peer of eslint-plugin-react@^2.3.0 but none was installed.

When I run npm test
cursor_and_1__bash_and_facebook_conversions_don_t_pass_correct_currency_ issue__1 _segment-integrations_analytics_js-integration-facebook-conversion-tracking

node: bad option: --harmony-generators
make: *** [test-phantomjs] Error 9
npm ERR! Test failed.  See above for more details.

@albybarber thanks! damn yea, looks like something funky going on with duo-test for node >4. I think the CLI tool is passing that flag automatically — perhaps @yields @stevenmatheison @dominicbarnes or @ndhoule could weigh in on that 😁

Could you try running on 0.12 😢

We'll get this addressed ASAP!

@sperand-io That seems to get it working!! Thanks.
I still get sauce lab errors but i think they are less important, see



This integration has been deprecated in favor of Facebook Pixel

@hankim813 if that's the case, let's boneyard this repo?


@f2prateek yeah not sure what the state of deprecation regarding this repo is. @sperand-io did all the migration so I'm sure he can confirm