segitwo / transaqgrpc

grpc wrapper for transaq connector

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



gRPC interface around TransaqConnector to be able to connect from different languages via TCP (remote procedure call) and linux as well


  1. tqgrpcserver - server around txmlconnector64.dll
  2. client
    1. java - java client grpc example
    2. csharp - c# client grpc example
  3. protos/transaq.proto - service description, see below

Service proto description

syntax = "proto3";

option java_multiple_files = true;
option java_package = "com.firelib";
option java_outer_classname = "Transaq";

package firelib;

service TransaqConnector {

  // streaming messages from transaq api
  // you can connect from multiple applications and messages will be broadcasted
  rpc connect (Empty) returns (stream Str) {}

  // method to call command, returns string from transaqapi
  rpc sendCommand(Str) returns (Str){}

//just wrapper around string as grpc does not allow to use plain string in interface
message Str{
  string txt = 1;

message Empty {}

Starting server in Linux

server can be started with Wine version 4.0 , Wine has to have .net installed ( should be prompted)

Example output:
ivan@fire:~/vbshare$ wine win7-x64/tqgrpcserver.exe 
Initialize() OK
Greeter server listening on port 50051
Press any key to stop the server...

Known issues

  1. russian messages does not look good in console output
  2. port is unprotected - hackers can break this from outside!! need to enable SSL in grpc


grpc wrapper for transaq connector


Language:C# 77.4%Language:Java 22.6%