seflless / atom-diagrams

Create Dot and Network Sequence diagrams in the Atom IDE.

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make reactive

ewann opened this issue · comments


Currently the preview element appears to use a fixed width. In:

function setupPreviewer

we find:

let width = 600;

In my use cases to date I've found it helpful to be able to:

a) change the default of this value. I didn't find a way to expose it into the settings for the package (currently you're exposing "Diagram Sequence Rules Grammar" & "Dot Rules Grammar") so initially I changed the value by hand when I wanted to and restarted atom.

b) have the previewElement reactive to the "spare" space on my screen. I added a clumsy hack into checkForResize inside the

if( editor.element.parentElement !== null &&

block like:

const remainingWidth = Math.max(0, editor.element.parentElement.clientWidth - width );
if( remainingWidth > 420) {
                  const reactivePreviewElementWidth = (editor.element.parentElement.clientWidth - 420)
         = `${reactivePreviewElementWidth}px`;
editor.element.shadowRoot.querySelector('.editor--private').style.width = `${remainingWidth}px`;

I've not submitted this as a pull request, since 420 is an arbitrary value that sometimes works for me.
My feeling is that it should also be wired up with the Preferred Line Length / Soft Wrap values that already exist.

If you have thoughts on if / how you might like to see this idea move forward, please add them to this issue and I'll see if I'm able to help with that.

The value would definitely be user specific. I plan to make the previewer much better, with zoom and pan and remembering the width of the panel that also should be dynamically movable via mouse dragging a splitter.

I went for a simpler approach. Just added a Diagram Previewer Width setting: