seevik2580 / tor-ip-changer

request new identity every X seconds interval using TOR client

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Can you spot the issue?

PauloChoupinaIPB opened this issue · comments

Hi, I have been using successfully the tor-ip-changer for quiet some time now, but with this last update something went wrong, at least for me.

I keep getting:
| |random Changing OK but unable to connect|

In the logs I get:
Sep 28 08:58:01.000 [warn] You specified a public address '' for SocksPort. Other people on the Internet might find your computer and use it as an open proxy. Please don't allow this unless you have a good reason.

but on the main window i have:

Autostart OFF.
API server binded to (local) OK.
------------------------------------------------------------Checking files.
No missing files
------------------------------------------------------------TOR server starting using direct connection.
Always obtain unique IP OFF
Please wait ...
0% - Starting
5% - Connecting to a relay
10% - Connected to a relay
14% - Handshaking with a relay
25% - Asking for networkstatus consensus
30% - Loading networkstatus consensus
45% - Asking for relay descriptors
50% - Loading relay descriptors
51% - Loading relay descriptors
63% - Loading relay descriptors
68% - Loading relay descriptors
80% - Connecting to a relay to build circuits
89% - Finishing handshake with a relay to build circuits
95% - Establishing a Tor circuit
100% - Done
TOR server started
DNS server started
------------------------------------------------------------Proxy list:

Changing OK but unable to connect in this version is the same as Changing OK - Resolving timeout in version 1.2.7.
it only indicates that ipchanger is unable to resolve ip address that you obtained. i only change phrase. if you get this message are you able to resolve ip manualy when you go or anywhere else where you can find your ip ?