seevik2580 / tor-ip-changer

request new identity every X seconds interval using TOR client

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Problem in ipchanger !

odaiasd opened this issue · comments

@seevik2580 when i choose palestine (ps) country its stuck on (45% : Asking for relay descriptors )
can you help me to fix it ?
Thank you

hello, this is not an error with ipchanger itself. if you get stucked at Asking for relay descriptors, it offten means that there are no relays in that specific country.. you can check that for youself..
for example Palestine with this link
another for USA its this link
and another for GB its this link
so if there are no relays in Palestine, you cant simply connect to tor network. you have to select different country

Thank you , but can we fix this situation ?
( Example : Download relay descrioptor ) ??

if you get stucked at this with every country you select or even without country selection maybe your ISP has blocked tor traffic. there are some ISPs which does not allow tor traffic inside their network, so you can try to use Bridge method to try to connect to tor network. its in settings, select Use Bridges YES. then try to start tor server again. hope it helps