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NODE_ENV documentation incorrect

mbfisher opened this issue · comments

The 'Environment Variables' section of the README states that NODE_ENV is avaiable both on the client and server, however, NODE_ENV is not defined in the browser when running sku start.

The DefinePlugin is configured by composing envVars, which does not contain NODE_ENV, and some production specific variables, which does include NODE_ENV, but only when it's value is production.

If I log the plugins section of my computed webpack config I get:

[ DefinePlugin {
     { 'process.env.SKU_TENANT': '""',
       'process.env.SKU_ENV': '"development"',
       'process.env.PORT': '8080' } },

Is this a bug, i.e. we should be setting NODE_ENV in development, or do you prefere SKU_ENV and the docs are out of date? My preference would be to include NODE_ENV as it's so widely used.


I've let this go a bit stale - unless there are any objections I'm going to raise a PR that sets both NODE_ENV and SKU_ENV in client code and update the docs.

I believe this has been addressed with #215
Please re-open if the issue still exists.