section83 / MacYTDL

A macOS GUI front-end for the YT-DLP video downloader

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Possible YT-DLP Support?

TomasCarlson opened this issue · comments

Love this tool!

Seeing as yt-dlp seems to be more maintained than the original youtube-dl repo (which hasn't been updated in quite some time), would it be possible to also add support for yt-dlp's unique features? As of now, I'm using the app with yt-dlp replacing youtube-dl's commands

Thank you for making contact. Yes, yt-dlp looks good. I don't know what is happening with youtube-dl – they seem to have dropped out of sight.

My main concern with yt-dlp is that for some functions it requires Python 3.6 which is not standard on macOS. I have been planning to add Python 3.6 – because Apple have warned for some time that they will omit Python 2.7 from a future version of macOS. But, till now I've not done any work on that. So, I guess it's time to get serious and work up a way for users to install Python 3.6. That might take quite a lot of research and coding and so take time.

In the meantime, you can install and use yt-dlp with MacYTDL yourself right now:

  • download yt-dlp from the most recent release available here.
  • rename it youtube-dl.
  • save it in "usr/local/bin" (you will need to supply admin credentials).
  • in Terminal type this (so that it becomes executable): chmod a+x /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl

MacYTDL doesn't check whether the executable really is youtube-dl – it will use anything with that name.

I'll add new settings to MacYTDL for config files and maybe also custom runtime YTDL options. That way you will be able to try out any of the new yt-dlp options. Hopefully, I'll have config files available in the next release.


YT-DLP is available for use in version 1.19. Requires macOS 10.15 or higher.