secretlounge / secretlounge-ng

a bot to make an anonymous group chat on Telegram

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool


cactushydrocodone opened this issue · comments

I would like to have a feature which enables to "call the mods".
This could be helpful in the following cases:

  • Someone posted illegal content, which needs to be removed quickly
  • Someone ignores the rules and no mod is currently online
  • Someone is heavily trolling and needs to be stopped

To prevent abuse of this report feature, i would implement a warning, which is showing when reporting(Something like "Reports are not seen lightly, abuse of this function can lead to a ban")

For example, it would look like this:
<a> Haha look at me, posting cheese pizza
<b> oh no, pls someone stop him
<c> a you degenerate, fuck off
<b> (In reply to message of a) /report
<bot>\ @ <b> Show the warning message
<b> confirm reporting with a button press or idk
<mod> bans a

Adding admin bot (something like @livegrambot) solves 99% of this type of problems. Also you can uncomment blacklist_contact setting in config for admin link/bot