secretlint / secretlint

Pluggable linting tool to prevent committing credential.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

JS Config File

SStranks opened this issue · comments

The documentation says that the .secretlintrc can be of type {json,yml,js}, but I'm having trouble implementing a configuration of type .js in my project. I can't see or find any examples where a .js configuration has actually been implemented anywhere.

Package manager: PNPM v8
Node: v20
Type: "module".

In the documentation it states that secretlint is ESM, but if I create a .secretlintrc.js file I get warnings about 'export' being an unexpected token when trying to execute the file.


It works using the old 'module.exports' syntax, but not the ESM syntax. Could you please provide a working template example or highlight where I might be going wrong? Thanks.

Looking at 'rc-config-loader' I found this post on their repo:
rc-config-loader Issue: Support ESM

"rc-config-loader treat JS as CommonJS." - azu


Currently, ESM is not available in the settings file.

Basically, I recommend using JSON format.