sebastienros / jint

Javascript Interpreter for .NET

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Incorrect C# code not throwing an exception

danemorgridge opened this issue · comments

I'm using 3.1.3, but I also tried with the current main branch and it didn't fix it.

I'm using Jint to write some scripts for a game I'm working on and it's not throwing an exception if there's an issue on the C# side of the script. Here is a block of code that illustrates what I'm trying to do:

`using Jint;
using TestJSEngine;

var c = new Character();
c.Name = "Test";
c.MaxHealth = 40;
c.CurrentHealth = 15;

var script = @"c.CurrrentHealth += 30;
if(c.CurrentHealth > c.MaxHealth) { c.CurrentHealth = c.MaxHealth; }
log(c.Name + ' is healed for 30');

var engine = new Engine()
.SetValue("log", new Action(Console.WriteLine))
.SetValue("c", c)
catch (Exception ex) {
var msg = ex.Message;

Console.WriteLine($"{ c.CurrentHealth } - {c.MaxHealth}");`

I would expect this to throw an error since the first line has the C# property spelled incorrectly. The script continues to run and the log function is called as I would expect it to. When the C# object is spelled correctly, the script works perfectly. I have a QA process, but it would be really nice if this kind of error can be caught and thrown at execution time. I played with the CLR execution stuff, but couldn't' get it to fail.

Javascript is a dynamic language, so it isn't so picky about type shapes. So you would like to get runtime errors if unknown properties are being accessed under interop?