sebastianspiegel / fewpjs_arrow_function_shorthand

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Arrow Function Shorthand

Learning Goals

  • Declare a function using a function expression
  • Declare a function using an arrow function
  • Describe situations where arrow functions are used


The original style for declaring functions in JavaScript is the function declaration.

function foo() {
  return 'bar';

But JavaScript has two other ways to write functions: the function expression and the arrow function. None of these is more correct or better than others, but learning to recognize the correct situation in which to use each is a useful skill for a programmer.

Declare a Function Using a Function Expression

Thus far we've only ever used a function declaration:

function foo() {
  return 'bar';

A function can also be written:

let foo = function() {
  return 'bar';

The function() {...} to the right of the assignment operator (=) is called a function expression. The best way to understand a function expression is by analogy.

let sum = 1 + 1

Evaluate the expression 1 + 1, returning 2 and assign it to the variable sum

let difference = 10 - 1;

Evaluate the expression 10 - 1, returning 9 and assign it to the variable difference.

let foo = function() {
  return 'bar';

Evaluate the expression function() { return 'bar' }, returning a thing that can be called and assign it to the variable foo. The function expression (again, the thing to the right of =) is known as "an anonymous function." It doesn't have a name associated with it like you see in a function declaration.

However, when we assign an anonymous function to a name (that is, a variable), we have a name that points to a callable thing. We could call this anonymous function by invoking foo(). That anonymous function is now, for all reasonable purposes, named foo.

There are a few subtle differences between function declarations and function expressions, but they are very minute. Neither is really better than the other. JavaScript supports variety, and you can use whichever one you prefer.

Try thinking about the following code. Will this work? Does it work? Try to explain to yourself what's happening using the words "anonymous function" and "call." If you need help, see Immediately Invoked Function Expression in the Resources section below.

(function() { console.log("Hello world") })()

Declare a Function Using An Arrow Function

Around 2015, developers got tired of typing f-u-n-c-t-i-o-n over and over. They lobbied the ECMAScript body for a way to write functions in a very short way. Here is the result, the "Arrow Function."

let add = (parameter1, parameter2) => parameter1 + parameter2
add(2,3) //=> 5

It seems like it wouldn't work, but it does. This builds on the syntax of the function expression just covered. The arrow syntax just lets you cut out a some typing.

First, add is the name of a variable to which an anonymous function is assigned. Nothing new there. So, let's look to the right of the =.

(parameter1, parameter2) => parameter1 + parameter2
// Parameter list ^^^^^   // Function Body ^^^^^^^^

This is a very short function body! It adds parameter1 and parameter2. Without any braces, arrow functions automatically return the result of the last expression. This recalls Ruby's implicit return and is quite a departure for JavaScript which has always required explicit return with the return keyword.

The parameters that the function takes looks similar to what we would have done historically: list the parameters, separated by comma, inside of ().

If your arrow function has only one parameter, the () become optional around the parameter:

let twoAdder = x => x + 2;
// is the same as
let twoAdder = (x) => x + 2;

Almost all developers will drop the parentheses in this case.

If we need to do more work than return a single expression, we'll need {} to wrap the multiple lines of code, and we'll have to declare a return. That sweet no-return syntax is only available if your function body is one expression long.

let sum = (parameter1, parameter2) => {
  console.log(`Adding ${parameter1}`);
  console.log(`Adding ${parameter2}`);
  return parameter1 + parameter2;
sum(1,2) //=> 3

Describe Situations Where Arrow Functions Are Used

Using arrow functions often appears when using JavaScript's iterator methods. An iterator is a method that allows you to deal with a set of data one at a time. For example, if you had a group of students' essays, you could only grade them one at a time. An iterator method would allow you to do just that.

As a preview of advanced iteration in JavaScript, we'll show the .map() method. .map() iterates through one Array, passes each element to a function that's passed in as an argument, takes that function's return value, and stacks it into a new array. Don't worry if you don't completely follow everything that goes on here — we haven't covered iterators quite yet, so it's totally OK if the finer details feel a bit murky.

const nums = [1,2,3];
const squares = => x ** 2); //=> [1,4,9]
const doubles = => x * 2); //=> [2,4,6]

If all this math stuff seems a bit too textbook-y, be reassured that we can iterate through anything, not just numbers. We can do something similar with DOM elements:

finishedItems = item => item.className = "complete" );
header.innerText = `You finished ${finishedItems.length} items!`;

Or billing software: u => sendBillTo(u.address) );


You are going to write several methods. Write your code in the index.js file. Let the tests guide you through the process.


In this lesson you saw two different styles for declaring functions: function expressions and arrow functions. Neither is "better" than the standard function declaration we've been using. Arrow functions excel when a simple change or operation needs to be used repeatedly. But they're certainly used to write long, full functions too! As you continue through the course, you'll see all three methods used to write functions, and develop a sense of when to use each yourself.





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