sebaferreras / Ionic3-MultiLevelSideMenu

Ionic 3 demo of a two-level side menu.

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Expand arrow does not show the select menu color

peterennis opened this issue · comments

If I touch/click the expand menu I expect it to be blue.


Hi, why would you expect that to be blue? Only the currently selected option will be assigned a given class that allows you to customize it (like changing the color). Changing the color of any expanded option (if it's not the parent of the currently selected option) will be confusing in my opinion.

If you still want to do that, you can target the rotated icon with the following style rule:

ion-list.accordion-menu ion-item.header ion-icon.header-icon.rotate {
    color: map-get($colors, primary)

The result will be something like this:


I'll close this issue, feel free to reopen it if you need any help. Thanks :)

Think of a tab menu. The one you click on gets the highlight color.
So in your example the blue menu should go black and the clicked/touched one
should become blue.
Then there is no confusion.