sebaferreras / Ionic3-MultiLevelSideMenu

Ionic 3 demo of a two-level side menu.

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Back button on android to go home page

alegomez89 opened this issue · comments

Hi Seba, it's me again. I have a problem when I want to back to the home page pressing the back button of an a android phone, the problem occurs when I enter in a view and open a modal, then I close the modal but the back button do nothing, the idea when i press the is back button go to the home page, can you help me? Thanks for your time!


Hi @alegomez89. I'm pretty sure that this is not related to the side menu, so I think it'd be better if you could write this question in StackOverflow (it'd be even better if you could create a stackblitz demo with that issue so we can debug what's going on).