sebaferreras / Ionic3-MultiLevelSideMenu

Ionic 3 demo of a two-level side menu.

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Custom component error

daVinci13 opened this issue · comments

I created a shared component and when I load it to my page i get:
ERROR Error: Uncaught (in promise): RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
and when I remove component import from my_page.module.ts everything is normal again....

accordion ts

components module

page module


I wouldn't know what could be wrong, since the code you posted seems to be ok. Is that a public repo that I can take a look at?

Still, this is not related to the SideMenuContentComponent so the Ionic forum or StackOverflow would be a better place for this question.

@sebaferreras I created a new component that should have some "accordion like cards" but I can't event get it to load simple "Hello world" text.... :/ Anyway thanks a lot for your help and keep up! :)

Sorry to hear that @daVinci13. Feel free to create a StackBlitz demo with your code and I'd try to help you out with that.