seaweedfs / seaweedfs

SeaweedFS is a fast distributed storage system for blobs, objects, files, and data lake, for billions of files! Blob store has O(1) disk seek, cloud tiering. Filer supports Cloud Drive, cross-DC active-active replication, Kubernetes, POSIX FUSE mount, S3 API, S3 Gateway, Hadoop, WebDAV, encryption, Erasure Coding.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

error parse -port.readonly

IvanKirpichnikov opened this issue · comments

Enter the command
'SeaweedFS filer -port 9335 -port.readonly 9336'
but throws an error
'Invalid '.readonly' value for the -port flag: strconv. ParseInt: parsing '.readonly': invalid syntax'

seaweedfs version 'Version 30GB 3.65 0edc5aa windows amd64'
system Windows 11

Have you seen this?
Probably filer -port 9335 '-port.readonly 9336' works

Looks like a powershell bug

Have you seen this? Probably filer -port 9335 '-port.readonly 9336' works

Looks like a powershell bug PowerShell/PowerShell#6291

No, I haven't. Thank you for your help