seaboat2009 / CVPR_2021_Papers

CVPR2021最新论文汇总,主要包括:Transformer, NAS,模型压缩,模型评估,图像分类,检测,分割,跟踪,GAN,超分辨率,图像恢复,去雨,去雾,去模糊,去噪,重建等等

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模型架构与数据处理(主要包括:Transformer, NAS,模型压缩,模型评估)




Unsupervised Degradation Representation Learning for Blind Super-Resolution

Data-Free Knowledge Distillation For Image Super-Resolution

Learning Continuous Image Representation with Local Implicit Image Function(通过局部隐含图像功能学习连续图像表示)

AdderSR: Towards Energy Efficient Image Super-Resolution

Exploring Sparsity in Image Super-Resolution for Efficient Inference

ClassSR: A General Framework to Accelerate Super-Resolution Networks by Data Characteristic

Cross-MPI: Cross-scale Stereo for Image Super-Resolution using Multiplane Images

2.图像去雨(Image Deraining)

Semi-Supervised Video Deraining with Dynamic Rain Generator(带动态雨水产生器的半监督视频去雨)

3.图像去雾(Image Dehazing)


DeFMO: Deblurring and Shape Recovery of Fast Moving Objects(快速移动物体的去模糊和形状恢复)

ARVo: Learning All-Range Volumetric Correspondence for Video Deblurring(学习用于视频去模糊的全范围体积对应)


6.图像恢复(Image Restoration)

Multi-Stage Progressive Image Restoration

CT Film Recovery via Disentangling Geometric Deformation and Illumination Variation: Simulated Datasets and Deep Models

Generating Diverse Structure for Image Inpainting With Hierarchical VQ-VAE(使用分层VQ-VAE生成图像修复的多样结构)

PISE: Person Image Synthesis and Editing with Decoupled GAN(使用分离的GAN进行人像合成和编辑)

DeFLOCNet: Deep Image Editing via Flexible Low level Controls(通过灵活的低级控件进行深度图像编辑)

PD-GAN: Probabilistic Diverse GAN for Image Inpainting(用于图像修复的概率多样GAN)

Anycost GANs for Interactive Image Synthesis and Editing(用于交互式图像合成和编辑的AnyCost Gans)

Exploiting Spatial Dimensions of Latent in GAN for Real-time Image Editing(利用GAN中潜在的空间维度进行实时图像编辑)

7.图像增强(Image Enhancement)

Auto-Exposure Fusion for Single-Image Shadow Removal

Learning Multi-Scale Photo Exposure Correction

DeFMO: Deblurring and Shape Recovery of Fast Moving Objects

8.图像去摩尔纹(Image Demoireing)

9.图像阴影去除(Image Shadow Removal)

Auto-Exposure Fusion for Single-Image Shadow Removal(用于单幅图像阴影去除的自动曝光融合)

10.图像翻译(Image Translation)

Image-to-image Translation via Hierarchical Style Disentanglement

Encoding in Style: a StyleGAN Encoder for Image-to-Image Translation(样式编码:用于图像到图像翻译的StyleGAN编码器)

CoMoGAN: continuous model-guided image-to-image translation(连续的模型指导的图像到图像翻译)

Spatially-Adaptive Pixelwise Networks for Fast Image Translation(空间自适应像素网络,用于快速图像翻译)

11.插帧(Frame Interpolation)

FLAVR: Flow-Agnostic Video Representations for Fast Frame Interpolation

CDFI: Compression-driven Network Design for Frame Interpolation

DeFMO: Deblurring and Shape Recovery of Fast Moving Objects

12.视频压缩(Video Compression)

MetaSCI: Scalable and Adaptive Reconstruction for Video Compressive Sensing

13.图像编辑(Image Edit)

Anycost GANs for Interactive Image Synthesis and Editing(用于交互式图像合成和编辑的AnyCost Gans)

Exploiting Spatial Dimensions of Latent in GAN for Real-time Image Editing(利用GAN中潜在的空间维度进行实时图像编辑)

[1] Semantic Relation Reasoning for Shot-Stable Few-Shot Object Detection(小样本目标检测的语义关系推理)

[2] UP-DETR: Unsupervised Pre-training for Object Detection with Transformers

[3] Positive-Unlabeled Data Purification in the Wild for Object Detection(野外检测对象的阳性无标签数据提纯)

[4] General Instance Distillation for Object Detection(通用实例蒸馏技术在目标检测中的应用)

[5] Instance Localization for Self-supervised Detection Pretraining(自监督检测预训练的实例定位)

[6] Multiple Instance Active Learning for Object Detection(用于对象检测的多实例主动学习)

[7] Towards Open World Object Detection(开放世界中的目标检测)

[8] You Only Look One-level Feature

[9] End-to-End Object Detection with Fully Convolutional Network()

[10] FSCE: Few-Shot Object Detection via Contrastive Proposal Encoding(通过对比提案编码进行的小样本目标检测)

[11] Generalized Focal Loss V2: Learning Reliable Localization Quality Estimation for Dense Object Detection(学习可靠的定位质量估计用于密集目标检测)

[12] MeGA-CDA: Memory Guided Attention for Category-Aware Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Object Detection(用于类别识别无监督域自适应对象检测)

[13] OPANAS: One-Shot Path Aggregation Network Architecture Search for Object(一键式路径聚合网络体系结构搜索对象)

[14] UP-DETR: Unsupervised Pre-training for Object Detection with Transformers

[1] Depth from Camera Motion and Object Detection(相机运动和物体检测的深度)

[2] There is More than Meets the Eye: Self-Supervised Multi-Object Detection and Tracking with Sound by Distilling Multimodal Knowledge(多模态知识提取的自监督多目标检测与有声跟踪)

[3] Dogfight: Detecting Drones from Drone Videos(从无人机视频中检测无人机)

[1] 3DIoUMatch: Leveraging IoU Prediction for Semi-Supervised 3D Object Detection(利用IoU预测进行半监督3D对象检测)

[2] Categorical Depth Distribution Network for Monocular 3D Object Detection(用于单目三维目标检测的分类深度分布网络)

[3] ST3D: Self-training for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation on 3D Object Detection(ST3D:在三维目标检测上进行无监督域自适应的自训练)

[4] Center-based 3D Object Detection and Tracking(基于中心的3D目标检测和跟踪)

[1] Coarse-Fine Networks for Temporal Activity Detection in Videos

[2] Detecting Human-Object Interaction via Fabricated Compositional Learning(通过人为构图学习检测人与物体的相互作用)

[3] Reformulating HOI Detection as Adaptive Set Prediction(将人物交互检测重新配置为自适应集预测)

[4] QPIC: Query-Based Pairwise Human-Object Interaction Detection with Image-Wide Contextual Information(具有图像范围的上下文信息的基于查询的成对人物交互检测)

[5] End-to-End Human Object Interaction Detection with HOI Transformer(使用HOI Transformer进行端到端的人类对象交互检测)

[1] Multiresolution Knowledge Distillation for Anomaly Detection(用于异常检测的多分辨率知识蒸馏)

[2] ReDet: A Rotation-equivariant Detector for Aerial Object Detection(ReDet:用于航空物体检测的等速旋转检测器)

[3] Dense Label Encoding for Boundary Discontinuity Free Rotation Detection(密集标签编码,用于边界不连续自由旋转检测)

[4] Skeleton Merger: an Unsupervised Aligned Keypoint Detector(骨架合并:无监督的对准关键点检测器)

[1] Few-Shot Segmentation Without Meta-Learning: A Good Transductive Inference Is All You Need?

[2] PointFlow: Flowing Semantics Through Points for Aerial Image Segmentation(语义流经点以进行航空图像分割)

[3] PointFlow: Flowing Semantics Through Points for Aerial Image Segmentation(语义流经点以进行航空图像分割)

[4] FedDG: Federated Domain Generalization on Medical Image Segmentation via Episodic Learning in Continuous Frequency Space(在连续频率空间中通过情景学习进行医学图像分割的联合域泛化)

[1] Cross-View Regularization for Domain Adaptive Panoptic Segmentation(用于域自适应全景分割的跨视图正则化)

[2] 4D Panoptic LiDAR Segmentation(4D全景LiDAR分割)

[1] Towards Semantic Segmentation of Urban-Scale 3D Point Clouds: A Dataset, Benchmarks and Challenges(走向城市规模3D点云的语义分割:数据集,基准和挑战)

[2] PLOP: Learning without Forgetting for Continual Semantic Segmentation(PLOP:学习而不会忘记连续的语义分割)

[3] Cross-Dataset Collaborative Learning for Semantic Segmentation(跨数据集协同学习的语义分割)

[4] BBAM: Bounding Box Attribution Map for Weakly Supervised Semantic and Instance Segmentation(用于弱监督语义和实例细分的边界框归因图)

[5] Continual Semantic Segmentation via Repulsion-Attraction of Sparse and Disentangled Latent Representations(通过稀疏和纠缠的潜在表示的排斥力进行连续语义分割)

[6] Semantic Segmentation for Real Point Cloud Scenes via Bilateral Augmentation and Adaptive Fusion(通过双边扩充和自适应融合对实点云场景进行语义分割)

[7] Capturing Omni-Range Context for Omnidirectional Segmentation(捕获全方位上下文进行全方位分割)

[8] MetaCorrection: Domain-aware Meta Loss Correction for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation in Semantic Segmentation(MetaCorrection:语义分割中无监督域自适应的域感知元丢失校正)

[9] Learning Statistical Texture for Semantic Segmentation(学习用于语义分割的统计纹理)

[10] Semi-supervised Domain Adaptation based on Dual-level Domain Mixing for Semantic Segmentation(基于双层域混合的半监督域自适应语义分割)

[11] Multi-Source Domain Adaptation with Collaborative Learning for Semantic Segmentation(多源领域自适应与协作学习的语义分割)

### 实例分割(Instance Segmentation)

[1] End-to-End Video Instance Segmentation with Transformers(使用Transformer的端到端视频实例分割)

[2] BBAM: Bounding Box Attribution Map for Weakly Supervised Semantic and Instance Segmentation(用于弱监督语义和实例细分的边界框归因图)

## 超像素(Superpixel)

[1] Learning the Superpixel in a Non-iterative and Lifelong Manner(以非迭代和终身的方式学习超像素)

[1] Learning to Recommend Frame for Interactive Video Object Segmentation in the Wild(学习推荐帧用于交互式野外视频对象分割)

[2] Modular Interactive Video Object Segmentation: Interaction-to-Mask, Propagation and Difference-Aware Fusion(模块化交互式视频对象分割:面具交互,传播和差异感知融合)

[1] Real-Time High Resolution Background Matting

[1] CanonPose: Self-supervised Monocular 3D Human Pose Estimation in the Wild(野外自监督的单眼3D人类姿态估计)

[2] PCLs: Geometry-aware Neural Reconstruction of 3D Pose with Perspective Crop Layers(具有透视作物层的3D姿势的几何感知神经重建)

[3] DCPose: Deep Dual Consecutive Network for Human Pose Estimation(用于人体姿态估计的深度双重连续网络)

[4] Differentiable Multi-Granularity Human Representation Learning for Instance-Aware Human Semantic Parsing(用于实例感知人类语义解析的可微分多粒度人类表示学习)

[1] Camera-Space Hand Mesh Recovery via Semantic Aggregation and Adaptive 2D-1D Registration(基于语义聚合和自适应2D-1D配准的相机空间手部网格恢复)

[2] Skeleton Based Sign Language Recognition Using Whole-body Keypoints(基于全身关键点的基于骨架的手语识别)

[1] GDR-Net: Geometry-Guided Direct Regression Network for Monocular 6D Object Pose Estimation(用于单眼6D对象姿态估计的几何引导直接回归网络)

[2] Robust Neural Routing Through Space Partitions for Camera Relocalization in Dynamic Indoor Environments(在动态室内环境中,通过空间划分的鲁棒神经路由可实现摄像机的重新定位)

[3] MultiBodySync: Multi-Body Segmentation and Motion Estimation via 3D Scan Synchronization(通过3D扫描同步进行多主体分割和运动估计)

[1] Cross Modal Focal Loss for RGBD Face Anti-Spoofing(Cross Modal Focal Loss for RGBD Face Anti-Spoofing)

[2] When Age-Invariant Face Recognition Meets Face Age Synthesis: A Multi-Task Learning Framework(当年龄不变的人脸识别遇到人脸年龄合成时:一个多任务学习框架)

[3] Multi-attentional Deepfake Detection(多注意的深伪检测)

[4] Image-to-image Translation via Hierarchical Style Disentanglement

[5] A 3D GAN for Improved Large-pose Facial Recognition(用于改善大姿势面部识别的3D GAN)

[1] HPS: localizing and tracking people in large 3D scenes from wearable sensors(通过可穿戴式传感器对大型3D场景中的人进行定位和跟踪)

[2] Track to Detect and Segment: An Online Multi-Object Tracker(跟踪检测和分段:在线多对象跟踪器)

[3] Probabilistic Tracklet Scoring and Inpainting for Multiple Object Tracking(多目标跟踪的概率小波计分和修复)

[4] Rotation Equivariant Siamese Networks for Tracking(旋转等距连体网络进行跟踪)

[5] Transformer Meets Tracker: Exploiting Temporal Context for Robust Visual Tracking(Transformer与追踪器相遇:利用时间上下文进行可靠的视觉追踪)

[6] Track to Detect and Segment: An Online Multi-Object Tracker(跟踪检测和分段:在线多目标跟踪器)

[7] Learning a Proposal Classifier for Multiple Object Tracking(用于多对象跟踪的分类器)

[8] Center-based 3D Object Detection and Tracking(基于中心的3D目标检测和跟踪)

[1] Frequency-aware Discriminative Feature Learning Supervised by Single-Center Loss for Face Forgery Detection(【人脸伪造检测】由单中心损失监督的频率感知判别特征学习,用于人脸伪造检测)

[2] 3DCaricShop: A Dataset and A Baseline Method for Single-view 3D Caricature Face Reconstruction(单视图3D漫画面部重建的数据集和基线方法)

[3] ForgeryNet: A Versatile Benchmark for Comprehensive Forgery Analysis(进行全面伪造分析的多功能基准)

[4] Image-to-image Translation via Hierarchical Style Disentanglement(通过分层样式分解实现图像到图像的翻译)

[5] When Age-Invariant Face Recognition Meets Face Age Synthesis: A Multi-Task Learning Framework(当年龄不变的人脸识别遇到人脸年龄合成时:一个多任务学习框架)

[6] PISE: Person Image Synthesis and Editing with Decoupled GAN(使用分离的GAN进行人像合成和编辑)

[7] Soft-IntroVAE: Analyzing and Improving Introspective Variational Autoencoders(分析和改进自省变分自动编码器)

[1] Cross Modal Focal Loss for RGBD Face Anti-Spoofing(跨模态焦点损失,用于RGBD人脸反欺骗)

[2] Multi-attentional Deepfake Detection(多注意的Deepfake检测)

## 重识别

[1] Meta Batch-Instance Normalization for Generalizable Person Re-Identification(通用批处理人员重新标识的元批实例规范化)

[2] On Semantic Similarity in Video Retrieval(视频检索中的语义相似度)

[1] QAIR: Practical Query-efficient Black-Box Attacks for Image Retrieval(实用的查询高效的图像检索黑盒攻击)

[1] Temporally-Weighted Hierarchical Clustering for Unsupervised Action Segmentation(临时加权层次聚类,实现无监督动作分割)

[2] Coarse-Fine Networks for Temporal Activity Detection in Videos(粗细网络,用于视频中的时间活动检测)

[3] Learning Discriminative Prototypes with Dynamic Time Warping(通过动态时间扭曲学习判别性原型)

[4] Temporal Action Segmentation from Timestamp Supervision(时间监督中的时间动作分割)

[5] ACTION-Net: Multipath Excitation for Action Recognition(用于动作识别的多路径激励)

[6] BASAR:Black-box Attack on Skeletal Action Recognition(骨骼动作识别的黑匣子攻击)

[7] Understanding the Robustness of Skeleton-based Action Recognition under Adversarial Attack(了解对抗攻击下基于骨骼的动作识别的鲁棒性)

[8] Temporal Difference Networks for Efficient Action Recognition(用于有效动作识别的时差网络)

[9] Behavior-Driven Synthesis of Human Dynamics(行为驱动的人类动力学综合)

[1] DeepTag: An Unsupervised Deep Learning Method for Motion Tracking on Cardiac Tagging Magnetic Resonance Images(一种心脏标记磁共振图像运动跟踪的无监督深度学习方法)

[2] Multi-institutional Collaborations for Improving Deep Learning-based Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction Using Federated Learning(多机构协作改进基于深度学习的联合学习磁共振图像重建)

[3] 3D Graph Anatomy Geometry-Integrated Network for Pancreatic Mass Segmentation, Diagnosis, and Quantitative Patient Management(用于胰腺肿块分割,诊断和定量患者管理的3D图形解剖学几何集成网络)

[4] Deep Lesion Tracker: Monitoring Lesions in 4D Longitudinal Imaging Studies(深部病变追踪器:在4D纵向成像研究中监控病变)

[5] Automatic Vertebra Localization and Identification in CT by Spine Rectification and Anatomically-constrained Optimization(通过脊柱矫正和解剖学约束优化在CT中自动进行椎骨定位和识别)

[6] Brain Image Synthesis with Unsupervised Multivariate Canonical CSCℓ4Net(无监督多元规范CSCℓ4Net的脑图像合成)

[7] XProtoNet: Diagnosis in Chest Radiography with Global and Local Explanations(使用全局和局部解释诊断胸部X光片)

[8] FedDG: Federated Domain Generalization on Medical Image Segmentation via Episodic Learning in Continuous Frequency Space(在连续频率空间中通过情景学习进行医学图像分割的联合域泛化)

[9] Multiple Instance Captioning: Learning Representations from Histopathology Textbooks and Articles(多实例字幕:从组织病理学教科书和文章中学习表示形式)

[10] Discovering Hidden Physics Behind Transport Dynamics(在运输动力学背后发现隐藏物理)

[1] AttentiveNAS: Improving Neural Architecture Search via Attentive(通过注意力改善神经架构搜索)

[2] ReNAS: Relativistic Evaluation of Neural Architecture Search(NAS predictor当中ranking loss的重要性)

[3] HourNAS: Extremely Fast Neural Architecture Search Through an Hourglass Lens(降低NAS的成本)

[4] Prioritized Architecture Sampling with Monto-Carlo Tree Search(蒙特卡洛树搜索的优先架构采样)

[5] Searching by Generating: Flexible and Efficient One-Shot NAS with Architecture Generator(通过生成进行搜索:带有架构生成器的灵活高效的一键式NAS)

[6] Contrastive Neural Architecture Search with Neural Architecture Comparators(带有神经结构比较器的对比神经网络架构搜索)

[7] OPANAS: One-Shot Path Aggregation Network Architecture Search for Object(一键式路径聚合网络体系结构搜索对象)

[1] Anycost GANs for Interactive Image Synthesis and Editing(用于交互式图像合成和编辑的AnyCost Gans)

[2] Efficient Conditional GAN Transfer with Knowledge Propagation across Classes(高效的有条件GAN转移以及跨课程的知识传播)

[3] Exploiting Spatial Dimensions of Latent in GAN for Real-time Image Editing(利用GAN中潜在的空间维度进行实时图像编辑)

[4] Hijack-GAN: Unintended-Use of Pretrained, Black-Box GANs(Hijack-GAN:意外使用经过预训练的黑匣子GAN)

[5] Encoding in Style: a StyleGAN Encoder for Image-to-Image Translation(样式编码:用于图像到图像翻译的StyleGAN编码器)

[6] A 3D GAN for Improved Large-pose Facial Recognition(用于改善大姿势面部识别的3D GAN)

[7] DivCo: Diverse Conditional Image Synthesis via Contrastive Generative Adversarial Network(通过对比生成对抗网络进行多种条件图像合成)

[8] Diverse Semantic Image Synthesis via Probability Distribution Modeling(基于概率分布建模的多种语义图像合成)

[9] HumanGAN: A Generative Model of Humans Images(人类图像的生成模型)

[10] MetaSimulator: Simulating Unknown Target Models for Query-Efficient Black-box Attacks(模拟未知目标模型以提高查询效率的黑盒攻击)

[11] Soft-IntroVAE: Analyzing and Improving Introspective Variational Autoencoders(分析和改进自省变分自动编码器)

[12] LOHO: Latent Optimization of Hairstyles via Orthogonalization(LOHO:通过正交化潜在地优化发型)

[13] PISE: Person Image Synthesis and Editing with Decoupled GAN(使用分离的GAN进行人像合成和编辑)

[14] Closed-Form Factorization of Latent Semantics in GANs(GAN中潜在语义的闭式分解)

[15] PD-GAN: Probabilistic Diverse GAN for Image Inpainting(用于图像修复的概率多样GAN)

[2] A Deep Emulator for Secondary Motion of 3D Characters(三维角色二次运动的深度仿真器)

[1] 3D CNNs with Adaptive Temporal Feature Resolutions(具有自适应时间特征分辨率的3D CNN)

[14] Skeleton Merger: an Unsupervised Aligned Keypoint Detector(骨架合并:无监督的对准关键点检测器)
paper | code

[13] Cycle4Completion: Unpaired Point Cloud Completion using Cycle Transformation with Missing Region Coding(使用缺失区域编码的循环变换完成不成对的点云)

[12] Semantic Segmentation for Real Point Cloud Scenes via Bilateral Augmentation and Adaptive Fusion(通过双边扩充和自适应融合对实点云场景进行语义分割)

[11] How Privacy-Preserving are Line Clouds? Recovering Scene Details from 3D Lines(线云如何保护隐私? 从3D线中恢复场景详细信息)
paper | code

[10] PointDSC: Robust Point Cloud Registration using Deep Spatial Consistency(使用深度空间一致性进行稳健的点云配准)
paper | code

[9] Robust Point Cloud Registration Framework Based on Deep Graph Matching(基于深度图匹配的鲁棒点云配准框架)
paper | code

[8] TPCN: Temporal Point Cloud Networks for Motion Forecasting(面向运动预测的时态点云网络)

[7] PointGuard: Provably Robust 3D Point Cloud Classification(可证明稳健的三维点云分类)

[6] Towards Semantic Segmentation of Urban-Scale 3D Point Clouds: A Dataset, Benchmarks and Challenges(走向城市规模3D点云的语义分割:数据集,基准和挑战)

[5] SpinNet: Learning a General Surface Descriptor for 3D Point Cloud Registration(SpinNet:学习用于3D点云注册的通用表面描述符)

[4] MultiBodySync: Multi-Body Segmentation and Motion Estimation via 3D Scan Synchronization(通过3D扫描同步进行多主体分割和运动估计)

[3] Diffusion Probabilistic Models for 3D Point Cloud Generation(三维点云生成的扩散概率模型)

[2] Style-based Point Generator with Adversarial Rendering for Point Cloud Completion(用于点云补全的对抗性渲染基于样式的点生成器)

[1] PREDATOR: Registration of 3D Point Clouds with Low Overlap(预测器:低重叠的3D点云的注册)

[1] PCLs: Geometry-aware Neural Reconstruction of 3D Pose with Perspective Crop Layers(具有透视作物层的3D姿势的几何感知神经重建)

[1] Manifold Regularized Dynamic Network Pruning(动态剪枝的过程中考虑样本复杂度与网络复杂度的约束)

[2] Learning Student Networks in the Wild(一种不需要原始训练数据的模型压缩和加速技术)

[1] Refine Myself by Teaching Myself: Feature Refinement via Self-Knowledge Distillation(通过自学来完善自己:通过自我蒸馏提炼特征)

[2] Knowledge Evolution in Neural Networks(神经网络中的知识进化)

[3] Semantic-aware Knowledge Distillation for Few-Shot Class-Incremental Learning(少班级增量学习的语义感知知识蒸馏)

[4] Teachers Do More Than Teach: Compressing Image-to-Image Models(

[5] General Instance Distillation for Object Detection(通用实例蒸馏技术在目标检测中的应用)

[6] Multiresolution Knowledge Distillation for Anomaly Detection(用于异常检测的多分辨率知识蒸馏)

[7] Distilling Object Detectors via Decoupled Features(前景背景分离的蒸馏技术)

[1] Coordinate Attention for Efficient Mobile Network Design(协调注意力以实现高效的移动网络设计)

[2] Inception Convolution with Efficient Dilation Search

[3] Rethinking Channel Dimensions for Efficient Model Design(重新考虑通道尺寸以进行有效的模型设计)

[4] Inverting the Inherence of Convolution for Visual Recognition(颠倒卷积的固有性以进行视觉识别)

[5] RepVGG: Making VGG-style ConvNets Great Again

[6] Fast and Accurate Model Scaling(快速准确的模型缩放)

[7] Involution: Inverting the Inherence of Convolution for Visual Recognition(反转卷积的固有性以进行视觉识别)

[1] Transformer Interpretability Beyond Attention Visualization(注意力可视化之外的Transformer可解释性)

[2] UP-DETR: Unsupervised Pre-training for Object Detection with Transformers

[3] Pre-Trained Image Processing Transformer(底层视觉预训练模型)

[2] Quantifying Explainers of Graph Neural Networks in Computational Pathology(计算病理学中图神经网络的量化解释器)

[1] Sequential Graph Convolutional Network for Active Learning(主动学习的顺序图卷积网络)

[1] KeepAugment: A Simple Information-Preserving Data Augmentation(一种简单的保存信息的数据扩充)

[3] Adaptive Consistency Regularization for Semi-Supervised Transfer Learning(半监督转移学习的自适应一致性正则化)

[2] Meta Batch-Instance Normalization for Generalizable Person Re-Identification(通用批处理人员重新标识的元批实例规范化)

[1] Representative Batch Normalization with Feature Calibration(具有特征校准功能的代表性批量归一化)

[2] Improving Unsupervised Image Clustering With Robust Learning(通过鲁棒学习改善无监督图像聚类)

[1] Reconsidering Representation Alignment for Multi-view Clustering(重新考虑多视图聚类的表示对齐方式)

[1] Are Labels Necessary for Classifier Accuracy Evaluation?(测试集没有标签,我们可以拿来测试模型吗?)

[2] Towards Semantic Segmentation of Urban-Scale 3D Point Clouds: A Dataset, Benchmarks and Challenges(走向城市规模3D点云的语义分割:数据集,基准和挑战)

[1] Re-labeling ImageNet: from Single to Multi-Labels, from Global to Localized Labels(重新标记ImageNet:从单标签到多标签,从全局标签到本地标签)

[3] Vab-AL: Incorporating Class Imbalance and Difficulty with Variational Bayes for Active Learning

[2] Multiple Instance Active Learning for Object Detection(用于对象检测的多实例主动学习)

[1] Sequential Graph Convolutional Network for Active Learning(主动学习的顺序图卷积网络)

[6] Goal-Oriented Gaze Estimation for Zero-Shot Learning(零样本学习的目标导向注视估计)

[5] Few-Shot Segmentation Without Meta-Learning: A Good Transductive Inference Is All You Need?

[4] Counterfactual Zero-Shot and Open-Set Visual Recognition(反事实零射和开集视觉识别)

[3] Semantic Relation Reasoning for Shot-Stable Few-Shot Object Detection(小样本目标检测的语义关系推理)

[2] Few-shot Open-set Recognition by Transformation Consistency(转换一致性很少的开放集识别)

[1] Exploring Complementary Strengths of Invariant and Equivariant Representations for Few-Shot Learning(探索少量学习的不变表示形式和等变表示形式的互补强度)

[2] Rainbow Memory: Continual Learning with a Memory of Diverse Samples(不断学习与多样本的记忆)

[1] Learning the Superpixel in a Non-iterative and Lifelong Manner(以非迭代和终身的方式学习超像素)

[1] Transformation Driven Visual Reasoning(转型驱动的视觉推理)

[4] Continual Adaptation of Visual Representations via Domain Randomization and Meta-learning(通过域随机化和元学习对视觉表示进行连续调整)

[3] Domain Generalization via Inference-time Label-Preserving Target Projections(基于推理时间保标目标投影的区域泛化)

[2] MetaSCI: Scalable and Adaptive Reconstruction for Video Compressive Sensing(可伸缩的自适应视频压缩传感重建)

[1] FSDR: Frequency Space Domain Randomization for Domain Generalization(用于域推广的频域随机化)

[1] Fine-grained Angular Contrastive Learning with Coarse Labels(粗标签的细粒度角度对比学习)

[1] QAIR: Practical Query-efficient Black-Box Attacks for Image Retrieval(实用的查询高效的图像检索黑盒攻击)

Learning Asynchronous and Sparse Human-Object Interaction in Videos(视频中异步稀疏人-物交互的学习)

Self-supervised Geometric Perception(自我监督的几何知觉)

Quantifying Explainers of Graph Neural Networks in Computational Pathology(计算病理学中图神经网络的量化解释器)

Exploring Data-Efficient 3D Scene Understanding with Contrastive Scene Contexts(探索具有对比场景上下文的数据高效3D场景理解)

Data-Free Model Extraction(无数据模型提取)

Patch-NetVLAD: Multi-Scale Fusion of Locally-Global Descriptors for Place Recognition(用于【位置识别】的局部全局描述符的【多尺度融合】)

Right for the Right Concept: Revising Neuro-Symbolic Concepts by Interacting with their Explanations(适用于正确概念的权利:通过可解释性来修正神经符号概念)

Multi-Objective Interpolation Training for Robustness to Label Noise(多目标插值训练的鲁棒性)

VX2TEXT: End-to-End Learning of Video-Based Text Generation From Multimodal Inputs(【文本生成】VX2TEXT:基于视频的文本生成的端到端学习来自多模式输入)

Scan2Cap: Context-aware Dense Captioning in RGB-D Scans(【图像字幕】Scan2Cap:RGB-D扫描中的上下文感知密集字幕)

Hierarchical and Partially Observable Goal-driven Policy Learning with Goals Relational Graph(基于目标关系图的分层部分可观测目标驱动策略学习)

ID-Unet: Iterative Soft and Hard Deformation for View Synthesis(视图合成的迭代软硬变形)

PML: Progressive Margin Loss for Long-tailed Age Classification(【长尾分布】【图像分类】长尾年龄分类的累进边际损失)

Diversifying Sample Generation for Data-Free Quantization(【图像生成】多样化的样本生成,实现无数据量化)

Domain Generalization via Inference-time Label-Preserving Target Projections(通过保留推理时间的目标投影进行域泛化)

DeRF: Decomposed Radiance Fields(分解的辐射场)

Densely connected multidilated convolutional networks for dense prediction tasks(【密集预测】密集连接的多重卷积网络,用于密集的预测任务)

VirTex: Learning Visual Representations from Textual Annotations(【表示学习】从文本注释中学习视觉表示)

Weakly-supervised Grounded Visual Question Answering using Capsules(使用胶囊进行弱监督的地面视觉问答)

FLAVR: Flow-Agnostic Video Representations for Fast Frame Interpolation(【视频插帧】FLAVR:用于快速帧插值的与流无关的视频表示)

Probabilistic Embeddings for Cross-Modal Retrieval(跨模态检索的概率嵌入)

Self-supervised Simultaneous Multi-Step Prediction of Road Dynamics and Cost Map(道路动力学和成本图的自监督式多步同时预测)

IIRC: Incremental Implicitly-Refined Classification(增量式隐式定义的分类)

Fair Attribute Classification through Latent Space De-biasing(通过潜在空间去偏的公平属性分类)

Information-Theoretic Segmentation by Inpainting Error Maximization(修复误差最大化的信息理论分割)

UC2: Universal Cross-lingual Cross-modal Vision-and-Language Pretraining(【视频语言学习】UC2:通用跨语言跨模态视觉和语言预培训)

Less is More: CLIPBERT for Video-and-Language Learning via Sparse Sampling(通过稀疏采样进行视频和语言学习)

D-NeRF: Neural Radiance Fields for Dynamic Scenes(D-NeRF:动态场景的神经辐射场)

Weakly Supervised Learning of Rigid 3D Scene Flow(刚性3D场景流的弱监督学习)

[23] Self-supervised Geometric Perception(自我监督的几何知觉)

[22] DeepTag: An Unsupervised Deep Learning Method for Motion Tracking on Cardiac Tagging Magnetic Resonance Images(一种心脏标记磁共振图像运动跟踪的无监督深度学习方法)

[21] Modeling Multi-Label Action Dependencies for Temporal Action Localization(为时间动作本地化建模多标签动作相关性)

[20] HPS: localizing and tracking people in large 3D scenes from wearable sensors(通过可穿戴式传感器对大型3D场景中的人进行定位和跟踪)

[19] Real-Time High Resolution Background Matting(实时高分辨率背景抠像)

[18] Exploring Data-Efficient 3D Scene Understanding with Contrastive Scene Contexts(探索具有对比场景上下文的数据高效3D场景理解)

[17] Robust Neural Routing Through Space Partitions for Camera Relocalization in Dynamic Indoor Environments(在动态室内环境中,通过空间划分的鲁棒神经路由可实现摄像机的重新定位)

[16] MultiBodySync: Multi-Body Segmentation and Motion Estimation via 3D Scan Synchronization(通过3D扫描同步进行多主体分割和运动估计)

[15] Categorical Depth Distribution Network for Monocular 3D Object Detection(用于单目三维目标检测的分类深度分布网络)

[14] PatchmatchNet: Learned Multi-View Patchmatch Stereo(学习多视图立体声)

[13] Continual Adaptation of Visual Representations via Domain Randomization and Meta-learning(通过域随机化和元学习对视觉表示进行连续调整)

[12] Single-Stage Instance Shadow Detection with Bidirectional Relation Learning(具有双向关系学习的单阶段实例阴影检测)

[11] Neural Geometric Level of Detail:Real-time Rendering with Implicit 3D Surfaces(神经几何细节水平:隐式3D曲面的实时渲染)

[9] PREDATOR: Registration of 3D Point Clouds with Low Overlap(预测器:低重叠的3D点云的注册)

[8] Domain Generalization via Inference-time Label-Preserving Target Projections(通过保留推理时间的目标投影进行域泛化)

[7] Neural Deformation Graphs for Globally-consistent Non-rigid Reconstruction(全局一致的非刚性重建的神经变形图)

[6] Fine-grained Angular Contrastive Learning with Coarse Labels(粗标签的细粒度角度对比学习)

[5] Less is More: CLIPBERT for Video-and-Language Learning via Sparse Sampling(通过稀疏采样进行视频和语言学习)

[4] Cross-View Regularization for Domain Adaptive Panoptic Segmentation(用于域自适应全景分割的跨视图正则化)

[3] Image-to-image Translation via Hierarchical Style Disentanglement(通过分层样式分解实现图像到图像的翻译)

[2] Towards Open World Object Detection(开放世界中的目标检测)

  • [paper](Towards Open World Object Detection)
  • code

[1] End-to-End Video Instance Segmentation with Transformers(使用Transformer的端到端视频实例分割)


CVPR2021最新论文汇总,主要包括:Transformer, NAS,模型压缩,模型评估,图像分类,检测,分割,跟踪,GAN,超分辨率,图像恢复,去雨,去雾,去模糊,去噪,重建等等