seL4 / sel4-tutorials

Tutorials for working with seL4 and/or CAmkES.

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Discussion starter: Possible improvements to hello-camkes-2 tutorial.

Ben-PH opened this issue · comments


Regarding this tutorial, I believe there is a chance to make some changes to improve the goals of having the tutorial around.

Following through the hello-camkes-2 tutorial, it asked for a lot of steps, without being explicit about how to confirm that you are progressing correctly. Being unfamiliar with a workflow that works well, it was unclear to me how and when to stop and validate work done up to a given point.

When I started over again, from the beginning of hello-camkes-2, I took a modified approach. In this approach I accomplished smaller things in smaller steps, validating each along the way. I would not move on to the next step until I was satisfied with the current

  1. Understand setting up producer/consumer events each side
  • confirmed through successful build
  1. Setup shared memory buffer
  • confirmed by printing it client-side
  1. Bring server into the equation
  • confirmed with a log message in the handler
  1. print the shared buffer
  2. modify shared buffer
  • confirmed by repeating the print
  1. signal the client
  • confirmed with a log message after the wait()
  1. print the same buffer again
  • Expect to see changes propagated from server

I did a similar work flow for the typed dataport.


This is my take. If it seems to strike a chord, I'm happy draft up some changes.

This has gotten quite old and no reply, which is entirely undeserved. I think this is a very good idea. If you're still interested, we'd be keen so see a draft.