sdsmnc221 / wave

Dashboard Interface for WAVE (Water Analysis for Vietnamese Ecosystem)'s data output.

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Dashboard Interface for WAVE (Water Analysis for Vietnamese Ecosystem)'s data output.

Getting Started

Nothing here.

At least git clone the whole repository.



You will need a server that comes with PHP, MySQL installed. It is recommended to use WAMP / MAMP / LAMP since PHPMyAdmin also came with it.


Base Database is TempEau.sql, just create a new database and import the file (PHPMyAdmin or something else, your choice).

You can create / modify tables or tables' data with PHPMyAdmin, it's the simplest way. The Backend API written in PHP also provides a way to do the same thing.



Almost of the API's structure lies in APICore.php (modify the one in /dist if you don't do Javascript) (a class). This file returns an APICore object, documented below.

$this-> will be omitted, so for instance if it's written _api_url it means $this->_api_url in the PHP code.


The APICore's constructor takes 2 params:

Param Explanation
$queries (string) Raw queries string from GET method (check _queries property and api.php part below)
$api_url Default URL to access the API (we mostly ignore this property).


Property Explanation
_api_url Default URL to access the API (we mostly ignore this property).
_db PDO Object. Database / Connection to Database will be created with make_db() method, then stored in this property. You will need to have access to this in order to make changes to your database.
_queries Queries sent to the API by GET method (or by adding params to the API url, for instance**?query1=abc&query2=def**). This property will be set up and sanitized for usage with make_queries() method.
_types Types, or technically (most) of the tables' names. This property will be set up with make_types() method.
_helpers The Helper object, which stores utils function (go read Helper.php yourself).


make_db() This method establishes the connection to the database by creating a PDO instance with provided configs. It will be called immediately in the consctrutor so we have nothing to do with it, except for changing configs so you can access to the right database.

Config Explanation
$host MySQL Server's host (localhost if local server).
$port MySQL Server's port (8889 on MAMP, null (empty string "") or 3306 on WAMP.
$db Database's name.
$user User (root if local server).
$pass Password (root if MAMP, "" if WAMP).

get_db() This method returns the _db property (or get the PDO instance).


This method destroys the PDO instance (or set _db to null). It's always a good practice to destroy the connection to the database after done with everything.


This method sanitize the raw queries string, and turns it to an array of queries.

For instance, from**?query1=abc&query2=def** we got the queries string ?query1=abc&query2=def, and this method returns ["query1" => "abc", "query2" => "def].

This method will be called immediately in the consctrutor so we have nothing to do with it.


This method returns the _queries property (or the queries array).


This method defines the types of data existed in the database. It will be called immediately in the consctrutor so we have nothing to do with it.

If you want to know what are these types, go look for the exact same string in your database. Either it will be a table's name, or a table's column.


...Forget it, do it with PHPMyAdmin, forgot the code for this one.


If ?create_mock_data=true (explicitly write =true in the URL, as will be explained in API's URL part), this methods will seed the whole database _(LiveOverview table + every other tables defines in _types with 20 mock data (by default is 20).


If ?create_mock_data=true (explicitly write =true in the URL, as will be explained in API's URL part), this methods will insert data in every tables defines in _types and also the more complexed LiveOverview table.

The params will be something like ?create_data=true&Chlore=1&Oxygene=1&Somethingelse=1, or ["Chlore" => 1, "Oxygene" => 1, "Somethingelse" => 1].

read_latest(string $type)

This methods returns in JSON format the latest (or last) piece of data in the provided $type (table).

Default is 1 result (LIMIT 1).

The params will be something like ?read_latest=Chlore.

read_all(string $type)

This methods returns in JSON format all data in the provided $type (table).

Default order is from newest to oldest (ORDER BY ID DESC).

The params will be something like ?read_all=Chlore.


This methods returns in JSON format all types (or tables, except for LiveOverview)' latest piece of data.

Default order is from newest to oldest (ORDER BY ID DESC).

The params will be something like ?read_lo=true.

The result:

[{"type":"Chlore","ID":82,"Valeurs":9.9775200000000001665512172621674835681915283203125,"time":"2018-07-02 04:23:35"},{"type":"OxyConcentration","ID":82,"Valeurs":45.1058000000000021145751816220581531524658203125,"time":"2018-07-02 04:23:35"},{"type":"Oxygene","ID":82,"Valeurs":34.4620000000000032969182939268648624420166015625,"time":"2018-07-02 04:23:35"},{"type":"pH","ID":82,"Valeurs":87.7874000000000052068571676500141620635986328125,"time":"2018-07-02 04:23:35"},{"type":"Pression","ID":82,"Valeurs":64.1280000000000001136868377216160297393798828125,"time":"2018-07-02 04:23:35"},{"type":"Salinite","ID":82,"Valeurs":87.49070000000000391082721762359142303466796875,"time":"2018-07-02 04:23:35"},{"type":"TempeAir","ID":82,"Valeurs":3.021549999999999958077978590154089033603668212890625,"time":"2018-07-02 04:23:35"},{"type":"TempeEau","ID":82,"Valeurs":99.622600000000005593392415903508663177490234375,"time":"2018-07-02 04:23:35"}]

PDO-styled syntaxes


  1. Write your SQL query, with placeholder (:placeholder).
  2. Prepare your SQL query (for security reasons etc.).
  3. Execute your SQL query, with exec() if no result expected or executed() if you want to replace your :placeholder with actual $value.

INSERT and UPDATE queries

//INSERT & Multiple values $value1 = "toto"; $value2 = "titi"; $sql = "INSERT INTO table(column1, column2) VALUES (:value1, :value2)"; $stmt = $this->_db->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute([ ":value1" => $value1, ":value2" => $value2, ]);

//UPDATE & Single value $value = "toto"; $sql = "UPDATE table SET column=:value WHERE id=1"; $stmt = $this->_db->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute([":value" => $value]);

SELECT query

//Fetch many results $sql = "SELECT * FROM table"; $stmt = $this->_db->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); $results = $stmt->fetchAll(); foreach($results as $key->$value) { echo $value; }

//Fetch single result $sql = "SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 1"; $stmt = $this->_db->prepare($sql); $stmt->execute(); $result = $stmt->fetch(); echo $result;


You implement the API by creating an APICore instance here in this file api.php. The API's url is the path to api.php.

When calling new APICore(...), you pass $_SERVER["QUERY_STRING"] as the string $queries param.

The API only works when and only when the connection to the database is established AND there are queries passed in the URL (**?query1=abc&query2=def**).

if ($api->get_db() instanceof PDO && sizeof($queries) > 0) {}

It will then test further if the trigger param exist and / or is correct. If it does, the APICore's method with the same name as the trigger param will be called.


Development Environment



Dashboard Interface for WAVE (Water Analysis for Vietnamese Ecosystem)'s data output.


Language:JavaScript 75.5%Language:HTML 13.2%Language:SCSS 5.3%Language:CSS 4.8%Language:PHP 0.8%Language:Shell 0.2%Language:Ruby 0.2%Language:PowerShell 0.0%