sdsc / p3dfft.3

P3DFFT++ (a.k.a. P3DFFT v. 3) is a new generation of P3DFFT library that aims to provide a comprehensive framework for simulating multiscale phenomena. It takes the essence of P3DFFT further by creating an extensible, modular structure uniquely adaptable to a greater range of use cases. The users can specify in detail what kind of data layout they would like to use, both in terms of local memory ordering and the processor layout. Just like P3DFFT, P3DFFT++ is a distributed software package, using MPI as the primary method for interprocessor commubnication. It supports 1D, 2D and 3D (to come soon) domain decomposition schemes. As P3DFFT, P3DFFT++ also relies on lower-level libraries, for example FFTW to perform optimized 1D FFTs. Unlike P3DFFT, which was written in Fortran90, P3DFFT++ is written in C++. Interfaces are provided for C and Fortran. To learn about using the code the user is encouraged to study example programs in C++, C and FORTRAN subdirectories. Please e-mail Dmitry Pekurovsky ( for any questions or suggestions. Software contributions are welcome, assuming they follow the main ideas of the framework.

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unrecognised option at configure

DGCaprace opened this issue · comments


I would like to use the recommended --enable-oned --enable-stride1 options, as advertised in the documentation, when configuring the install of the library. However, I get the following warning when executing the configure script:

configure: WARNING: unrecognized options: --enable-oned, --enable-stride1

Are these options ignored? deprecated? or have they been made default and one doesn't need to specify them?

Hi Dr. Pekurovski,

Thanks for the quick reply: I was referring to the table of arguments on the install page of the online readthedoc of P3DFFT++ which still has these options, to date. Then, could you please confirm that P3DFFT v3 always use stride-1 accesses in the calls to FFTW? Same question for --enable-useeven: are you always padding in order to call MPI_Alltoall instead of MPI_Alltoallv?