sdispater / pastel

Bring colors to your terminal

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Drawing a colored, formatted box with Pastel and Cleo

lighth7015 opened this issue · comments

Pastel is wonderful, however I'm trying to draw a UTF-8 box and not have the bounds become warped.

Sample command-

from cleo import Application, Command
from pastel import Pastel

class BoxDrawCommand(Command):
	Draws a box.
	def box(self, text, **keyword):
		contents, p = text.split("\n"), Pastel()
		length = len(p.colorize(max(contents, key = len))) + 4
		self.line( "\n┌{}┐".format( "─" * ( (length + 1) * 2 )))
		for line in contents:
			pos = 1 if len(line) is 0 else len(line) + 2
			style = keyword.get( "style", "info" )
			self.line("│<{}> {} </>│".format( style, line.ljust(pos)))
		self.line( "└{}┘\n".format( "─" * length ))
	def handle(self): "Email client", style = "comment" )

app = Application()

if __name__ == '__main__':

Any suggestions for fixing the top and bottom box border drawing?