Sygil-Dev / sygil-webui

Stable Diffusion web UI

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Flag button missing from new UI

Hunterius8 opened this issue · comments

Flag button missing from new UI

feature update needed to change the layout from gradio.Interface to use gradio.Blocks
needs reimplementing, slightly different
if the feature is very important to you then you can do it

class Flagging(gr.FlaggingCallback) still exists are provably still works, it's only the button that needs adding

I tried and failed, might not be an easy fix. But I also have barely any experience with python, let alone gradio, so I might've just missed an easy solution.


it's a useless feature anyway imo

What did it do? It was essentially "star" to save the prompts that you think are good separately?


Yes, some people would disable save grid or save image or both when doing large batches then flag only the images they want