scroll-tech / go-ethereum

Scroll's fork of the official Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol

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How to run a geth client

fsmith5132 opened this issue · comments

Running the Geth client involves installing the software and configuring it based on your preferences. Geth is a command-line interface for running Ethereum nodes. Here are the general steps to run the Geth client:


Before you start, ensure you have a compatible operating system. Geth supports Windows, macOS, and Linux.
Make sure you have a stable internet connection.

Download Geth:

Visit the official Geth GitHub releases page:
Download the appropriate version for your operating system (Windows, macOS, or Linux).
Install Geth:

Follow the installation instructions provided for your specific operating system.
Running Geth:

Command-Line Options:

Open a terminal or command prompt window on your computer.
Navigate to the Geth Directory:

Use the cd command to navigate to the directory where you installed Geth.

cd path/to/geth

Run Geth:

Run the Geth executable with desired command-line options. For example:


This command will start Geth with default settings. You may want to customize the command based on your requirements.


Choose a Network:

Specify the Ethereum network you want to connect to using the --network flag. For the mainnet, omit this flag as Geth defaults to the Ethereum mainnet.

geth --network=ropsten

Syncing with the Blockchain:

By default, Geth will start syncing with the Ethereum blockchain. This process can take a significant amount of time. If you want to skip syncing, you can use the --syncmode flag.

geth --syncmode=fast

RPC (Remote Procedure Call) Server:

If you want to enable RPC to interact with Geth programmatically, use the --rpc flag.

geth --rpc

Ensure that you use security measures when enabling RPC, such as setting up authentication and restricting access.

Stopping Geth:

Graceful Shutdown:

To stop Geth gracefully, use the ctrl + c command in the terminal or command prompt where Geth is running.
Forcefully Stop:

If needed, you can forcefully stop Geth by closing the terminal or command prompt window.
Remember that running a full node requires substantial disk space and can take a considerable amount of time to sync with the blockchain, especially on the Ethereum mainnet. Additionally, consider the security implications, especially if you enable RPC or other external interfaces.