scroll-into-view / scroll-into-view-if-needed

Element.scrollIntoView ponyfills for things like "if-needed" and "smooth"

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`scrollIntoView` Promise doesn't resolve on some elements

matthew-dean opened this issue Β· comments

I discovered an apparent bug, where I have something like this:

scrollIntoView([HTMLElement], {
  scrollMode: 'if-needed',
  block: 'nearest',
  boundary: document
}).then(() => { console.log('done') })

It appears that if the element doesn't need to be scrolled into view (or some other reason?), then the Promise will never resolve. Even if I change .then() to .finally(), nothing happens. No console.log is output. Meaning I can't chain scrollIntoViews.

I didn't have this problem until the element I needed to check if it needed to be scrolled into view was sometimes the same height as the document.

Hey there!

Are you talking about smooth-scroll-into-view-if-needed?

@stipsan Yes, that's what I'm using.

Alright. Then it's for sure a bug. It's always returning a Promise.all:

If scrollMode: 'if-needed' is breaking the behavior it sounds like it's returning something other than an empty array. Gonna check it out, thanks for the report! πŸ˜„

I just released v1.1.13 with a fix, let me know if it works πŸ˜„

I'm open for feedback on what is returned when the promise resolved. It might make sense to include the same array of actions that it's mapping through?

Thanks for the fast turnaround! It works! ^_^

What it passes to the then() function is irrelevant for me. I just need to know when the Promise resolved.

Alright, good news! πŸ˜„πŸ‘

One thing that I'm seeing now. Although now an element that doesn't need scrolling returns a promise, it only resolves after the timeout, even though no scrolling happened. I would expect that if no scrolling needs to happen, then it resolves immediately.

Good catch! I'll take care of it right after scroll-into-view/compute-scroll-into-view#17 πŸ˜„

I made a repro here:

It is showing a behavior similar to what you mentioned above πŸ€”