scriptfans / influxer

InfluxDB ActiveRecord-style

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Gem Version Build Status


NOTE: Version 0.3.x supports InfluxDB >= 0.9.0. For InfluxDB 0.8.x use version 0.2.5.

NOTE: Influxer is Rails 5 compatible!

Influxer provides an ActiveRecord-style way to work with InfluxDB with many useful features, such as:

  • Familar query language (use select, where, not, group etc).
  • Support for Regex conditions: where(page_id: /^home\/.*/) #=> select * ... where page_id=~/^home\/.*/.
  • Special query methods for InfluxDB:
    • time - group by time (e.g. Metrics.time(:hour) => # select * ... group by time(1h));
    • past - get only points for last hour/minute/whatever (e.g. Metrics.past(:day) => # select * ... where time > now() - 1d);
    • since - get only points since date (e.g. Metrics.since(Time.utc(2014,12,31)) => # select * ... where time > 1419984000s);
    • merge - merge series.
  • Scopes support
    class Metrics < Influxer::Metrics
        default_scope -> { time(:hour).limit(1000) }
        tags :account_id
        attributes :value
        scope :unlimited, -> { limit(nil) }
        scope :by_account, -> (id) { where(account_id: id) if id.present? }
    # => select * from "metrics" group by time(1h) where account_id=1 limit 1000
    # => select * from "metrics" group by time(1w) where account_id=1
  • Integrate with your model:
    class UserVisits < Influxer::Metrics
    class User < ActiveRecord::Base
        has_metrics :visits
    user = User.find(1)
    user.visits.write(page_id: 'home')
    #=> < creates point {user_id: 1, page_id: 'home'} in 'user_visits' series >
    user.visits.where(page_id: 'home')
    #=> select * from user_visits where page_id='home'

Find more on Wiki.


InfluxDB ActiveRecord-style

License:MIT License


Language:Ruby 100.0%