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Ultraxion(npc 55294)

opened this issue · comments

-- Ultraxion should levitate. Cataclysm problem from levitating. Need Actions Set Fly.
--             m_creature->SetByteFlag(UNIT_FIELD_BYTES_1, 3, UNIT_BYTE1_FLAG_UNK_2);
--             m_creature->SetLevitate
--             m_creature->SetHover
UPDATE `creature_template_addon` SET `bytes1`= 50331648, `moveflags`= 4209152  WHERE  `entry` IN (55294, 56576, 56577, 56578);

-- Script id: 5529401
DELETE FROM dbscripts_on_creature_movement WHERE id=5529401;
INSERT INTO dbscripts_on_creature_movement VALUES 
(5529401,0,10,810009,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Ultraxion - Summon Trigger Follow.'),
(5529401,0,15,106369,0,0,0,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Ultraxion - Cast Twilight Shift.'),
(5529401,0,32,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Ultraxion - Pause Movement.');

DELETE FROM `creature_movement_template` WHERE `entry` = 55294;
INSERT INTO `creature_movement_template` (`entry`, `point`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `waittime`, `script_id`, `orientation`) values
-- Hacking Follow Ultraxion Trigger on Evade.
DELETE FROM `creature_linking_template` WHERE `entry` = 55294 AND `master_entry` = 810009;
INSERT INTO `creature_linking_template` (`entry`, `map`, `master_entry`, `flag`, `search_range`) VALUES

-- Custom Npc For Ultraxion Encounter.
DELETE FROM `creature_template` WHERE `Entry` BETWEEN 810000 AND 810009;
INSERT INTO `creature_template` (`Entry`, `Name`, `SubName`, `IconName`, `MinLevel`, `MaxLevel`, `DifficultyEntry1`, `DifficultyEntry2`, `DifficultyEntry3`, `ModelId1`, `ModelId2`, `ModelId3`, `ModelId4`, `FactionAlliance`, `FactionHorde`, `Scale`, `Family`, `CreatureType`, `InhabitType`, `RegenerateStats`, `RacialLeader`, `NpcFlags`, `UnitFlags`, `UnitFlags2`, `DynamicFlags`, `ExtraFlags`, `CreatureTypeFlags`, `SpeedWalk`, `SpeedRun`, `UnitClass`, `Rank`, `Expansion`, `HealthMultiplier`, `PowerMultiplier`, `DamageMultiplier`, `DamageVariance`, `ArmorMultiplier`, `ExperienceMultiplier`, `MinLevelHealth`, `MaxLevelHealth`, `MinLevelMana`, `MaxLevelMana`, `MinMeleeDmg`, `MaxMeleeDmg`, `MinRangedDmg`, `MaxRangedDmg`, `Armor`, `MeleeAttackPower`, `RangedAttackPower`, `MeleeBaseAttackTime`, `RangedBaseAttackTime`, `DamageSchool`, `MinLootGold`, `MaxLootGold`, `LootId`, `PickpocketLootId`, `SkinningLootId`, `KillCredit1`, `KillCredit2`, `QuestItem1`, `QuestItem2`, `QuestItem3`, `QuestItem4`, `QuestItem5`, `QuestItem6`, `MechanicImmuneMask`, `ResistanceHoly`, `ResistanceFire`, `ResistanceNature`, `ResistanceFrost`, `ResistanceShadow`, `ResistanceArcane`, `PetSpellDataId`, `MovementType`, `MovementTemplateId`, `TrainerType`, `TrainerSpell`, `TrainerClass`, `TrainerRace`, `TrainerTemplateId`, `VendorTemplateId`, `EquipmentTemplateId`, `VehicleTemplateId`, `GossipMenuId`, `AIName`, `ScriptName`) VALUES
('810000','Ultraxion AI Event Sender Thrall  Trigger','','','2','2','0','0','0','11686','11686','0','0','35','35','1','0','10','3','3','0','0','33554944','2048','0','2050','0','1.14286','1','1','0','0','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','0','0','1','2','1','2','17','0','0','2000','2000','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','EventAI',''),
('810001','Ultraxion AI Event Sender Alexstrasza Trigger','','','2','2','0','0','0','11686','11686','0','0','35','35','1','0','10','3','3','0','0','33554944','2048','0','2050','0','1.14286','1','1','0','0','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','0','0','1','2','1','2','17','0','0','2000','2000','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','EventAI',''),
('810002','Ultraxion AI Event Sender Ysera Trigger','','','2','2','0','0','0','11686','11686','0','0','35','35','1','0','10','3','3','0','0','33554944','2048','0','2050','0','1.14286','1','1','0','0','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','0','0','1','2','1','2','17','0','0','2000','2000','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','EventAI',''),
('810003','Ultraxion AI Event Sender Kalecgos Trigger','','','2','2','0','0','0','11686','11686','0','0','35','35','1','0','10','3','3','0','0','33554944','2048','0','2050','0','1.14286','1','1','0','0','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','0','0','1','2','1','2','17','0','0','2000','2000','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','EventAI',''),
('810004','Ultraxion AI Event Sender Nozdormu Trigger','','','2','2','0','0','0','11686','11686','0','0','35','35','1','0','10','3','3','0','0','33554944','2048','0','2050','0','1.14286','1','1','0','0','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','0','0','1','2','1','2','17','0','0','2000','2000','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','EventAI',''),
('810005','Ultraxion AI Event Sender Emerald Essence  Trigger','','','2','2','0','0','0','11686','11686','0','0','35','35','1','0','10','3','3','0','0','33554944','2048','0','2050','0','1.14286','1','1','0','0','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','0','0','1','2','1','2','17','0','0','2000','2000','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','EventAI',''),
('810006','Ultraxion AI Event Sender Magic Source Trigger','','','2','2','0','0','0','11686','11686','0','0','35','35','1','0','10','3','3','0','0','33554944','2048','0','2050','0','1.14286','1','1','0','0','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','0','0','1','2','1','2','17','0','0','2000','2000','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','EventAI',''),
('810007','Ultraxion AI Event Sender Life of the Gift Trigger','','','2','2','0','0','0','11686','11686','0','0','35','35','1','0','10','3','3','0','0','33554944','2048','0','2050','0','1.14286','1','1','0','0','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','0','0','1','2','1','2','17','0','0','2000','2000','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','EventAI',''),
('810008','Ultraxion AI Event Sender Ultraxion Start Cast Twilight Eruption Trigger','','','2','2','0','0','0','11686','11686','0','0','35','35','1','0','10','3','3','0','0','33554944','2048','0','2050','0','1.14286','1','1','0','0','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','0','0','1','2','1','2','17','0','0','2000','2000','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','EventAI',''),
('810009','Ultraxion AI Follow(need,because Ultraxion on Evade does not fly on spawn point) Trigger','','','2','2','0','0','0','11686','11686','0','0','35','35','1','0','10','3','3','0','0','33554944','2048','0','2050','0','1.14286','1','1','0','0','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','1','0','0','1','2','1','2','17','0','0','2000','2000','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','EventAI','');

DELETE FROM `creature_ai_summons` WHERE `id` IN (41, 42, 43, 44, 45);
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_summons` (`id`, `position_x`, `position_y`, `position_z`, `orientation`, `spawntimesecs`, `comment`) VALUES
('41','-1755.49','-2391.5','340.801','3.26239','156000','Essence of Dreams npc.'),
('42','-1753.7','-2376.48','340.834','3.58302','81000','Gift of Light npc'),
('43','-1752.83','-2401.68','340.822','3.32989','217000','Source of Magic npc.'),
('44','-1772.07','-2385.58','341.355','3.08689','276000','Nozdormu npc sender event.'),
('45','-1784.24','-2374.88','341.355','2.99464','10000','Thrall - Ultraxion sender event npc for cast Last Defender of Azerot.');

DELETE FROM `creature_template_addon` WHERE `entry` BETWEEN 810000 AND 810009;
INSERT INTO `creature_template_addon` (`entry`, `mount`, `bytes1`, `b2_0_sheath`, `b2_1_pvp_state`, `emote`, `moveflags`, `auras`) VALUES

-- Script id: 13322
DELETE FROM dbscripts_on_gossip WHERE id=13322;
INSERT INTO dbscripts_on_gossip VALUES 
(13322,17,35,6,500,56630,500,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Alexstrasza - Send AI Event Custom B(Ultraxion Yell Intro 2)'),
(13322,7,25,1,0,55294,500,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Ultraxion - Set Run = true.'),
(13322,17,35,5,500,56665,500,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Ysera - Send AI Event Custom A(inform Ultraxion on start movement)'),
(13322,7,35,5,500,56630,500,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Alexstrasza - Send AI Event Custom A(Ultraxion Yell Intro 1)'),
(13322,6,10,55294,604800000,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,-1564,-2369,250.083,3.28122,'Summon Ultraxion.'),
(13322,0,0,1,0,56665,500,0,2000009995,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Say Ysera.');

DELETE FROM `db_script_string` WHERE `entry` = 2000009995;
INSERT INTO `db_script_string` (`entry`, `content_default`, `content_loc8`, `sound`, `type`, `language`, `emote`, `comment`) VALUES
('2000009995','I sense a great disturbance in the balance approaching. The chaos of it burns my mind!','Я чувствую приближение Хаоса. Мой разум не в силах этого выдержать!','26148','0','0','0','Ysera - Say PreUltraxion Intro.');

-- Creature id: 810009
UPDATE creature_template SET AIName='EventAI' WHERE entry=810009;
DELETE FROM creature_ai_scripts WHERE creature_id=810009;
INSERT INTO creature_ai_scripts VALUES 
('81000901','810009','11','0','100','30','0','0','0','0','20','0','0','0','21','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Ultraxion follow npc - false auto attack and combat movement on spawn.'),
('81000902','810009','7','0','100','30','0','0','0','0','45','5','100','0','41','10000','0','0','0','0','0','0','Ultraxion follow npc -Send AI Event Custom A and  force despawn 10 seconds on evade(need for clearup encounter).'),
('81000903','810009','4','0','100','30','0','0','0','0','32','810005','0','41','32','810006','0','42','32','810007','0','43','Ultraxion follow npc - summon npc sender event.'),
('81000904','810009','4','0','100','30','0','0','0','0','32','810004','0','44','32','810000','0','45','0','0','0','0','Ultraxion follow npc - summon npc sender event.');

-- Creature id: 810000
UPDATE creature_template SET AIName='EventAI' WHERE entry=810000;
DELETE FROM creature_ai_scripts WHERE creature_id=810000;
INSERT INTO creature_ai_scripts VALUES 
('81000001','810000','1','0','100','30','5000','5000','0','0','45','5','500','0','41','5000','0','0','0','0','0','0','Ultraxion AI Event Sender Thrall  Trigger - Send AI Event Custom A on OOC Timer and Force Despawn.'),
('81000002','810000','30','0','100','30','5','810009','0','0','41','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Ultraxion AI Event Sender Thrall  Trigger - Force Despawn on Receive AI Event Custom A.');

-- Creature id: 56667
UPDATE creature_template SET AIName='EventAI' WHERE entry=56667;
DELETE FROM creature_ai_scripts WHERE creature_id=56667;
INSERT INTO creature_ai_scripts VALUES 
('5666701','56667','30','0','100','30','5','810000','0','0','1','-5015','0','0','1','-5017','0','0','11','106182','0','0','Thrall - Receive AI Event Custom A - Yell Text and Emote and cast Last Defender of Azeroth.');

-- Creature id: 55294
UPDATE creature_template SET AIName='EventAI' WHERE entry=55294;
DELETE FROM creature_ai_scripts WHERE creature_id=55294;
INSERT INTO creature_ai_scripts VALUES 
('5529401','55294','0','0','100','31','60000','60000','60000','60000','1','-5000','0','0','11','106372','0','6','1','-5016','0','0','Ultraxion - Cast Unstable Monstrosity on self and Yell.'),
('5529402','55294','4','0','100','30','0','0','0','0','11','106372','0','0','1','-5001','0','0','21','0','1','0','Ultraxion - Cast Unstable Monstrosity and Yell and Set Combat Movement False.'),
('5529403','55294','0','0','100','30','360000','360000','0','0','1','-5002','0','0','11','106388','1','1','41','8000','0','0','Ultraxion - Cast Twilight Eruption and Yell and Force Despawn(Hard Enrage)'),
('5529404','55294','6','0','100','30','0','0','0','0','1','-5003','0','0','41','600000','0','0','0','0','0','0','Ultraxion - Yell at death and Set Despawn Delay.'),
('5529405','55294','30','0','100','30','6','56630','0','0','1','-5005','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Ultraxion - Yell Intro 2 on Receive AI Event Custom B(pSender = Alexstrasza)'),
('5529406','55294','7','0','100','30','0','0','0','0','41','8000','0','0','11','106388','0','1','1','-5002','0','0','Ultraxion - Despawn at Evade and Yell and Cast Twilight Eruption.'),
('5529407','55294','0','32','100','31','35000','36000','45500','45500','11','106371','1','1','1','-5009','0','0','1','-5022','0','0','Ultraxion - Cast Hour of Twilight and Yell.'),
('5529408','55294','5','0','100','31','1200','1200','0','0','1','-5006','-5007','-5008','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Ultraxion - Yell at Kill.'),
('5529409','55294','0','0','100','31','117000','130000','117000','130000','1','-5006','-5007','-5008','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Ultraxion - Random Yell in Timer Combat. Custom Code.'),
('5529410','55294','30','0','100','30','5','56630','0','0','1','-5004','0','0','1','-5010','0','0','0','0','0','0','Ultraxion - Yell Intro 1 on Receive AI Event Custom A(pSender = Alexstrasza)'),
('5529411','55294','9','0','100','31','55','100','3000','3000','11','106415','1','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Ultraxion - Cast Twilight Blast at Melee Range Ultraxion.'),
('5529412','55294','11','0','100','30','0','0','0','0','17','143','1','0','18','32962','0','0','21','0','0','0','Ultraxion - Set Hover and Set Unit Flag Full Not Attacable and Preevent Combat Movement on Spawn.'),
('5529413','55294','1','0','100','30','11000','11000','0','0','19','130','0','0','18','32836','0','0','0','0','0','0','Ultraxion - Remove Non Attackable and Not Attacable Unit Flag and Set Unit Flag Unk 6 and Unk 15 and Disable move(not working flag) on OOC Timer.'),
('5529414','55294','30','0','100','30','5','56665','0','0','48','2','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','0','Ultraxion - Receive AI Event A(pSender = Ysera) - Start Waypoint Movement.');
-- Script id: 109176 and 106374
DELETE FROM dbscripts_on_spell WHERE id IN (109176, 106374);
INSERT INTO dbscripts_on_spell VALUES 
(109176,0,15,106374,0,0,0,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Cast Twilight Unstable(Has Aura Twilight Monstrosity)');
(106374,0,15,106375,0,0,0,8,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Cast Unstable Twilight Damage.');
DELETE FROM `creature_ai_texts` WHERE `entry` IN (-5000, -5001, -5002, -5003, -5004, -5005, -5006, -5007, -5008, -5009, -5010, -5011, -5012, -5013, -5014, -5015, -5016, -5017, -5018, -5019, -5020, -5021, -5022);
INSERT INTO `creature_ai_texts` (`entry`, `content_default`, `content_loc8`, `sound`, `type`, `language`, `emote`, `comment`) VALUES      
('-5000','Through the pain and fire my hatred burns!','Огонь и боль питают мою ненависть!','26325','6','0','0','Ultraxion - Yell Unstable Monstrosity'),
('-5001','Now is the hour of twilight!','Настало Время Сумерек!','26314','6','0','0','Ultraxion - Yell Aggro'),
('-5002','I WILL DRAG YOU WITH ME INTO FLAME AND DARKNESS!','Я ЗАБЕРУ ВАС С СОБОЙ ВО ТЬМУ И ПЛАМЯ!','26315','6','0','0','Ultraxion - Yell Twilight Eruption'),
('-5003','But...but...I am...Ul...trax...ionnnnnn...','Но... но...я...Уль...трак...сион...','26316','6','0','0','Ultraxion - Yell Death'),
('-5004','I am the beginning of the end...the shadow which blots out the sun...the bell which tolls your doom...','Я - начало конца...тень, что заслоняет солнце...звонящий по вам колокол!','26317','6','0','0','Ultraxion - Yell Intro 1'),
('-5005','For this moment ALONE was I made. Look upon your death, mortals, and despair!','Я был создан ради этого единственного момента. Узрите же свою погибель, смертные!','26318','6','0','0','Ultraxion - Yell Intro 2.'),
('-5006','Fall before Ultraxion!','Пади перед Ультраксионом!','26319','6','0','0','Ultraxion - Yell Slay 1'),
('-5007','Hahahahaha!','Хахахаха!','26321','6','0','0','Ultraxion - Yell Slay 2'),
('-5008','You have no hope!','Тебе не на что надеяться!','26320','6','0','0','Ultraxion - Yell Slay 3'),
('-5009','The final shred of light fades, and with it, your pitiful mortal existence!','Угасают последние отблески света, а с ними - и ваши жалкие жизни!','26323','6','0','0','Ultraxion - Yell Hour of Twilight'),
('-5010','Monstrosity power absorb your in Twilight.','Чудовищная сила затягивает вас в Сумрак!','0','3','0','0','Ultraxion - Raid Emote on Spawn.'),
('-5011','Alexstrasza summon Gift of Life.','Алекстраза призывает Дар Жизни!','0','3','0','0','Alexstrasza - generic emote on summon Gift of Life'),
('-5012','Ysera summon Essence of Dreams.','Изера призывает сущность снов!','0','3','0','0','Ysera - generic emote on summon Essence of Dreams'),
('-5013','Kalecgos summon Source of Magic.','Калесгос призывает Магический Источник!','0','3','0','0','Kalecgos - generic emote on summon Source of Magic'),
('-5014','Nozdormu Cast Timeloop.','Ноздорму помещает вас в Виток Времени!','0','3','0','0','Nozdormu - generic emote on cast Timeloop'),
('-5015','Thrall give your power Last Defender of Azeroth. ','Тралл дарует вам благословение Земли! Вы Последний Защитник Азерота!','0','3','0','0','Thrall - generic emote on Last Defender of Azeroth'),
('-5016','Ultraxion begin more Monstrosity.','Ультраксион становится всё более нестабильным!','0','3','0','0','Ultraxion - emote on Monstrosity'),
('-5017','Strength of the Earth, hear my call! Shield them in this dark hour, the last defenders of Azeroth!','Сила Земли, храни их в этот тёмный час! Ибо они - последние Защитники Азерота!','25907','1','0','0','Thrall - Yell Ultraxion Battle.'),
('-5018','Take heart, heroes, life will always blossom from the darkest soil!','Крепитесь герои! Свет Жизни пробьётся даже сквозь самую страшную тьму!','26506','1','0','0','Alexstrasza - Yell Ultraxion Battle.'),
('-5019','In dreams, we may overcome any obstacle.','Во снах, мы способны преодолеть любые препятствия!','26149','1','0','0','Ysera - Yell Ultraxion Battle.'),
('-5020','Winds of the arcane be at their backs, and refresh them in this hour of darkness!','Ветра тайной магии, направьте их и придайте им сил в этот тёмный час!','26267','1','0','0','Kalecgos - Yell Ultraxion Battle.'),
('-5021','The cycle of time brings an end to all things.','Со временем всему приходит конец!','25954','1','0','0','Nozdormu - Yell Ultraxion Battle.'),
('-5022','Ultraxion begin cast Hour of Twilight','Ультраксион начинает произносить заклинание Время Сумерек!','0','3','0','0','Ultraxion - generic emote on cast Hour of Twilight');
UPDATE creature_template SET GossipMenuId = 13322 WHERE Entry = 56667;
INSERT INTO `gossip_menu` (`entry`, `text_id`, `script_id`, `condition_id`) VALUES
INSERT INTO `gossip_menu_option` (`menu_id`, `id`, `option_icon`, `option_text`, `option_id`, `npc_option_npcflag`, `action_menu_id`, `action_poi_id`, `action_script_id`, `box_coded`, `box_money`, `box_text`, `condition_id`) VALUES
('13322','0','0','I ready.','1','1','-1','0','13322','0','0',NULL,'0');

The big problem with levitation, it falls down when spawning, should not fall down, did hack through addon.
Also, when evade should not return to spawn point. He stops after 1 second goes client announcements that shields Aspects broken and start cast Twilight Eruption and goes despawned after the spell.
Preevent with Deathwing and the Twilight Drakes 15 will not be realized - there needs world state counter. Even hack no desire.
Participation Aspects I did through Send AI Event and Receive AI Event.

About Send AI Event and Receive AI Event:
Currently EventAI db script and able to send only a specific radius (no more 533 yards = Size of Grids) these AI Event.
@xfurry - your patch pretty good.

            SendAIEvent(AIEventType(action.throwEvent.eventType), pActionInvoker, pTarget, miscValue);

Only around here excess)
My idea - Ultraxion timer in battle (the timer in battle is happening) - sends the first AI Event Alexstrasza (she speaks the text and encourages crystal), then Ysera, then Kalecgos, Nozdormu then, well, 3 seconds after the start of the battle, he AI sends Event Thrall, who speaks and reads the text of his spell. I really enjoyed innovation @Schmoozerd!
You can do with the help of current and phase transition to make, but this extra code. Also remains a problem with a return to the last point out of combat

Also Stomp Morchok and Twilight Unstable should divide to all targets.

Provide patch (diff) please.

Without git does not work, and I fear that spoiled. But it's not the only problem - about the problem with levitation I described above.

It's time to finish the script.
Let hack, but still. Wait for the sea weather - meaning no!
PS: Nostalgia for Pandaria goes much!

@xfurry and @Schmoozerd, I am very grateful for the implementation of the new AI Event! Without them, nothing would have happened to! Just want to warn you that I had to use hacks(custom npc event senders and fly follow trigger Ultraxion(need, because Ultraxion on evade not should fly on spawn point)! Less script is now implemented. Aspects at least now though texts pronounced in battle with Ultraxion (themselves in combat with him, they are not). The scenario requires a long time to study and refinement.
But at least that something was able to realize. Regarding SD2 I said - I can not write a script in it - no matter how hard you try - a little knowledge. But it's better than to sit and think - and when will realize ?! It does not matter - I brought an example.
Confirmation of my words, that it even works!
Intro Event working and not hacking.
Outro Event is not implemented - hack no desire.

However, the only problem is that we are not developing a 4.3.4 DB. So I can't help you to commit this.

Yes, I understand!
PS: I want to make a script Ragnaros in Firelands still!
Ragnaros has 5 phases in normal(not die, need server side dbc spells kill credit and achievements and also this spell is responsible for the completion of the encounter.
In heroic add 6 phase - epic phase, where Ragnaros appear legs! And to help us come Druid - Malfurion and Cenarius Hamuul to help us fight him.

@xfurry - Got an idea!
Create db_script_on_creature_aggro and db_script_on_creature_evade and SCRIPT_COMMAND_SEND_AI_EVENT_TARGET(not around).
db_script_on_creature_aggro - Send Aspects and Thrall AI events with a delay! Then custom NPC will have unnecessary.
db_script_on_creature_evade - use SCRIPT_COMMAND_MOVE_TO, and custom fly trigger will no longer be needed. Will help clear debris from the code and hacks.
What do you say? It remains to me to find a treatment Unit.cpp aggro and evade!
Analog db_script_on_creature_death.

Why not use eventAI for Aggro and Evade? What are the limitations?

Neither EventAI, nor db_script can not send AI EVENT certain creature (just all around) - and they can not run scripts with a delay, as the script command has not EventAI Move_To Position. Examples of where they can be used I brought. They can also be an addition to the existing SD2 scripts.
This will help me clean up the script from the hacks.

I think we can make the script_command_send_ai_event to use the target and have delay. I will check this later.
I can see the quest that you are trying to implement here: and looks awesome
However you cannot do this with dbscripts only because there is no way to handle the position evade of the 3 druids while attacked by the fire elements.

1. You can cast any of the spells with movement scripts. But you can't handle the the recast in case of evade. has script target so it will always target the right npc
3. Do you have a sniff, to be absolutely sure that there is no spell involved? We could add the ACTION_T_PAUSE_WAYPOINTS action, but let's be 100% sure first. Smile

db_script_on_creature_evade - help me without AI Event XD
db_script_on_creature_aggro - Ultraxion Send AI Event with delay Aspects and Thrall.
Send_AI_Event_Target - best solution XD
As I said - a good addition to the existing SD2 scripts suddenly missing or something, but would add it! And helped yourself, to your)
Especially because we only have 2 custom event period! In EventAI and db_scripts.

By looking at this vid: I can say only one thing:
This boss goes into SD2!

We can't change the dbscript engine just to accommodate ONE boss. We are not blizz, and that's why our scripting system is in C++ and not any fancy complex spell + script thingy.

dbscripts are purposed to handled non combat events only and eventAI for combat only.
You can have a mix of both, in for this boss it will simply NOT work!

There are many ways in which we can improve dbscript or eventAI engines, but doing this just for the sake of such a complex boss, is ridiculous.

So if you want to submit a C++ script for this guy, I'm happy to help.

This boss goes into SD2!

About SD2 - I would look at that brave man who would be able to make it. For his part, all that I could, he did.
I provided your the screenshots. Provided. Examples cited - led. The script did.
Your download it and see - how it works.
And what is missing.
P.S: Twilight Unstable fixed. cmangos/mangos-cata#29
P.P.S: I also would like to make Ragnaros in Firelands.

It seems I have a lot of errors make! But I removed the combat timer for sending AI Event. Aspects processed EAI, SD2 there is unnecessary (there is only text to say and spell cast)
Please see last five commits! Thanks advance.
P.S: On EventAI made much easier!

I can see you are making progress. 👍

Add the combat abilities and then I'll have a look.

I see that you are making progress. Very good!

I think it would be useful if you would drop an eye on the following guides: especially on this one:

Now I can not do anything to fix it. Thank damned Roscomnadzor, 443 connection error.
Even download the source code for the new can not.
Deleted tabs and there you are, how to remove I do not know.

Script need full update. Time loop need add Preevent Death. Gift of Ysera need share healing for proc trigger spell, for Thrall buff need skill tank check (if you not tank - you cannot get buff, exclude deathknight Power Blood - if before get buff deathknight reshift current power rune on Power Blood - deathknight also can get buff)

Time loop need add Preevent Death.


// Timeloop.
                if (spellProto->Id == 105984)
                    preventDeathSpell = (*i)->GetSpellProto();
                    preventDeathAmount = (*i)->GetModifier()->m_amount;
// Timeloop.
                if (preventDeathSpell->Id == 105984)
                    int32 healAmount = GetMaxHealth() * preventDeathAmount / 100;
                    CastCustomSpell(this, 105992, &healAmount, NULL, NULL, true);
                    RemainingDamage = 0;

I'll just leave it here.