scriptdev2 / scriptdev2-cata

ScriptDev2 for Cataclysm

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Blood Prince Council crash on death.

opened this issue · comments

Exception code: C0000005 ACCESS_VIOLATION

SS:ESP:002B:0945ABA8  EBP:0945BBB8
DS:002B  ES:002B  FS:0053  GS:002B

Call stack:
Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
00440CC1  00000000  Object::GetUInt64Value+21
0077DDDD  00000000  SpellAuraHolder::GetCaster+D
004DD608  00000000  Unit::DealDamage+448
004DEB4F  00000000  Unit::DealSpellDamage+BF
007F5A39  00000000  Spell::DoAllEffectOnTarget+509
00801CF2  00000000  Spell::handle_immediate+52
008012AB  00000000  Spell::cast+8BB
0080325B  00000000  Spell::update+3BB
007F620C  00000000  SpellEvent::Execute+1C
009274E8  00000000  EventProcessor::Update+58
004F1260  00000000  Unit::Update+20
005A2363  00000000  Player::Update+83
0051F475  00000000  Map::Update+175
006A7119  00000000  MapManager::Update+69
0048C4A3  00000000  World::Update+2D3
004607DF  00000000  WorldRunnable::run+4F
0047344E  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+E
69AD74CF  00000000  ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter::invoke+7F
68A2C01D  00000000  __get_tlsindex+6F
68A2C001  00000000  __get_tlsindex+53
768D338A  00000000  BaseThreadInitThunk+12
77499F72  00000000  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63
77499F45  00000000  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36
Local Variables And Parameters

Call stack:
Address   Frame     Function      SourceFile
00440CC1  00000000  Object::GetUInt64Value+21
punting on symbol index
    Local  <user defined> 'st'

0077DDDD  00000000  SpellAuraHolder::GetCaster+D

004DD608  00000000  Unit::DealDamage+448
    Local  <user defined> 'pVictim'
punting on symbol damage
    Local  <user defined> 'cleanDamage'
    Local  <user defined> 'damagetype'
    Local  <user defined> 'damageSchoolMask'
    Local  <user defined> 'spellProto'
punting on symbol durabilityLoss
punting on symbol shareDamage
    Local  <user defined> 'data'
    Local  <user defined> 'data'
punting on symbol threat
    Local  <user defined> 'st'
    Local  <user defined> 'st'

004DEB4F  00000000  Unit::DealSpellDamage+BF
    Local  <user defined> 'damageInfo'
punting on symbol durabilityLoss
    Local  <user defined> 'cleanDamage'

007F5A39  00000000  Spell::DoAllEffectOnTarget+509
    Local  <user defined> 'target'
punting on symbol crit
punting on symbol absorb
punting on symbol gain
    Local  <user defined> 'damageInfo'
    Local  <user defined> 'itr'
punting on symbol bp
    Local  <user defined> 'damageInfo'

00801CF2  00000000  Spell::handle_immediate+52

008012AB  00000000  Spell::cast+8BB
punting on symbol skipCheck

0080325B  00000000  Spell::update+3BB
punting on symbol difftime

007F620C  00000000  SpellEvent::Execute+1C
punting on symbol e_time
punting on symbol p_time

009274E8  00000000  EventProcessor::Update+58
punting on symbol p_time

004F1260  00000000  Unit::Update+20
punting on symbol update_diff
punting on symbol p_time

005A2363  00000000  Player::Update+83
punting on symbol update_diff
punting on symbol p_time
    Local  <user defined> 'iter'
punting on symbol newzone
punting on symbol newarea

0051F475  00000000  Map::Update+175
    Local  <user defined> 't_diff'
    Local  <user defined> 'updater'
    Local  <user defined> 'updater'
    Local  <user defined> 'area'
    Local  <user defined> 'cell'
    Local  <user defined> 'area'
    Local  <user defined> 'cell'
    Local  <user defined> 'st'

006A7119  00000000  MapManager::Update+69
punting on symbol diff

0048C4A3  00000000  World::Update+2D3
punting on symbol diff

004607DF  00000000  WorldRunnable::run+4F

0047344E  00000000  ACE_Based::Thread::ThreadTask+E
punting on symbol param

69AD74CF  00000000  ACE_OS_Thread_Adapter::invoke+7F
punting on symbol status

68A2C01D  00000000  __get_tlsindex+6F

68A2C001  00000000  __get_tlsindex+53

768D338A  00000000  BaseThreadInitThunk+12

77499F72  00000000  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+63

77499F45  00000000  RtlInitializeExceptionChain+36

Global Variables

The case of a single, but points to the aura 300. Debug points to Deal Damage.
Twin Valkyr not crashing.
Maybe due to the fact that the orb is trying to harm the already dead beings I get a crash? Maybe even remove DealDamage of JustDied, keep only set instance data?

Crash reason found:
Blood Orb - function JustDied - Deal Damage Prince.
Solution: Delete Deal Damage from Just Died for Blood Orb Control script and handled on db_script_on_death.
I deleted and Just Died left only set instance data DONE and all.

-- Script id: 38008
DELETE FROM dbscripts_on_creature_death WHERE id=38008;
INSERT INTO dbscripts_on_creature_death VALUES 
(38008,0,15,5,0,37972,50000,12,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Blood Orb - Force Cast Instantkill for Prince Keleseth'),
(38008,0,15,5,0,37970,50000,12,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Blood Orb - Force Cast Instantkill for Prince Valanar'),
(38008,0,15,5,0,37973,50000,12,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,'Blood Orb - Force Cast Instantkill for Prince Taldaram');

P.S: UNIT_FLAG_OOC_NOT_ATTACKABLE also need delete on evade, because on Evade Prince restore UNIT_FLAG_OOC_NOT_ATTACKABLE flag on default.

Problem solved.