scriban / scriban

A fast, powerful, safe and lightweight scripting language and engine for .NET

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zhang1446802857 opened this issue · comments


Please, translate your issue description + title in English. I don't speak Chinese.

For what its worth, this is what gmail's translation gives:

Can you provide a detailed document?

I want to make a tool to generate code, and my friend told me that Scriban can do it.
But I have never used it, and there is no documentation to read. I only learned how to read characters and how to replace them from the warehouse introduction.
It doesn't even say how to create a special template file, nor how to save it to a directory. If you rely on File, the purpose of scriban seems not to be reflected, including parsing templates, and only replacing characters.
Hope to solve

Scriban 是一个强大的模板引擎,它可以方便地将模板与数据结合起来,生成各种类别的文本输出,包括代码.文件的读写可能需要你自行实现