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Empty render!

mbasij1 opened this issue · comments

I use this project as my template engine.
Template is
<div class="fontWeight"> <div>{{CompanyTitle}} s</div> <div>{{companyTitle}}</div> <div>{{companytitle}}</div> <div>{{CompanyTel}}</div> </div>
And the model is
{"CompanyTitle":"The Test 4331"}
but the result is
<div class="fontWeight"> <div> s</div> <div></div> <div></div> <div></div> </div>.
I use the online demo too to check that is problem with my code or for engine but results was same and empty!

This online service is prefixing the model with model, so you need to write something like {{model.CompanyTitle}} instead.

ok I try
{ "companyTitle ": "World"}
and template
Hello {{ model.CompanyTitle }} {{ model.companyTitle }}!
Hello !
and try that in my code
Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics.DeveloperExceptionPageMiddleware[1] An unhandled exception has occurred while executing the request. <input>(75,26) : error : Cannot get the member model.companyTitle for a null object.
in my code some variables without model shows but some of them not showing!

You have a space { "companyTitle ": "World"} at the end of the property name "companyTitle ", remove it and you will see the second {{ model.companyTitle }}!

Thank you for your response
I think in my code it is because of ruby-style variable names!
at last, I change the code to
return template.Render(obj, member => { return System.Text.Json.JsonNamingPolicy.CamelCase.ConvertName(member.Name); });
and everything comes ok in my code!
In my application problem is for two syllable variables!
I can't access CompanyTitle with companyTitle or CompanyTitle or companytitle.
at last, changed the renamer in the render function and everything come ok.
thank you at all.