scottyab / safetynethelper

SafetyNet Helper wraps the Google Play Services SafetyNet.API and verifies Safety Net API response with the Android Device Verification API.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Reported critical issues with version 17.0.0. google play warning

ben-j69 opened this issue · comments


Using the version 0.8.0 of the library a warning is now displayed when uploading the app in the play store:

Le développeur de play-services-safetynet ( a signalé des problèmes critiques pour la version 17.0.0. Pensez à passer à une version plus récente avant de publier une nouvelle release.

It means the version 17 of safety net must not be used anymore, can you please release a new version with an update version of the safety net library to avoid any issue ?


Please update to 0.9.0 Thanks

Please update to 0.9.0 Thanks

Hello, we didn't find the version 0.9.0, so we took the 0.10.0, is it ok ?