scottwernervt / favicon

Find a website's favicon.

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favicon.get function call is stuck for following urls

lab-rk opened this issue · comments

You can add to that list.
when issuse favicon.get('') program never responds back. Gone to never never land.

I had originally written my own method to fetch a website's favicon, and it worked nicely. But it was very complicated because it checked a layer of possibilities since websites can have their favicon configured numerous ways.

The downside is that it took about 1 second per request, and when you have a page with 8-10, it takes a few seconds to boot up the server while it caches the calls.

So I figured I'd try this library out to see if it was faster, and I'm noticing this hanging issue as well, and I've tried several ways to try and abort the connection, including a timeout / user agent.

Has anyone found a solution around this? I may just go back to my script because I'm not seeing a huge benefit, and mine didn't cease up, timeouts worked great.