scottwernervt / favicon

Find a website's favicon.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

'NoneType' object has no attribute 'strip'

tux-mind opened this issue · comments


Hi, thanks for this awesome egg :)

I think that I found a bug when a website contains this meta: <link href="" rel="shortcut icon"/> .

This causes tag.get('href') or tag.get('content') at to return None instead of a string.

You may want to not include metas with empty href/content into the one to parse 😊

Thank you in advance for your time and I wish you a great week :)

Thanks for the bug report will look into it!

The issue is resolved in favicon===0.7.0. Thanks for reporting!

Hi, thanks for this awesome egg :)

I think that I found a bug when a website contains this meta: <link href="" rel="shortcut icon"/> .

This causes tag.get('href') or tag.get('content') at to return None instead of a string.

You may want to not include metas with empty href/content into the one to parse 😊

Thank you in advance for your time and I wish you a great week :)

tux mind how can i contact u plz ??