scottwernervt / favicon

Find a website's favicon.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Add request timeout

marzique opened this issue · comments


I'm scraping a big list of urls, and for each website I use favicon to extract images that I then store in database. And only when new website gets added to the list - it performs get request:

icons = favicon.get("http://" + value)
return icons[0].url

The problem is that some laggy websites may delay page load for minutes, and all I want is to somehow limit time of each request.
For example :

if images not downloaded after 5 seconds:
    return None


Yes, I can add the parameter timeout to favicon.get(). I will try to do it on Sunday or feel free to submit a pull request.

Upgrade to favicon===0.7.0 and you can pass timeout as a keyword argument: favicon.get(url, timeout=2) to handle slow sites. See more information on timeout at