scottmckendry / cyberdream.nvim

🤖💤 High-contrast, Futuristic & Vibrant Coloursheme for Neovim

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Cursorline is nonexistent

VelaSam opened this issue · comments

The cursor line seems to be not apparent despite vim.opt.cursorline = true. Its not an error with my config it only happens when the cyberdream theme is selected


pictures for comparison

Great theme btw, have been using it everyday since I saw the post on reddit

Thanks for raising. I'm glad you're enjoying it!

I'll take a look into this today. I think from memory I set it to the same colour as the background mainly so it wouldn't clash with highlighted text in visual mode. It's clear to me now that these should be two different colours.

Fixed in 1.2.1 🙂
It's subtle, but it's there: