scottkchu / ArduinoMap

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Included Files: /client:

  • client.cpp
  • consts_and_types.h
  • draw_route.cpp
  • draw_route.h
  • lcd_image.cpp
  • lcd_image.h
  • map_drawing.h
  • map_drawing.cpp
  • serial_handling.cpp
  • serial_handling.h
  • makefile


  • digraph.cpp

  • digraph.h

  • dijkstra.cpp

  • dijkstra.h

  • edmonton-roads-2.0.1.txt

  • heap.h

  • serialport.cpp

  • serialport.h

  • server.cpp

  • wdigraph.h

  • makefile


  • tests (folder)

Arduino Wiring Instructions: Mount the TFT display on the Arduino just like with Assignment 1

Joystick (same as with assignment 1) VRx <--> A8 VRy <--> A9 SW <--> Digital Pin 53 GND <--> GND +5V <--> 5V

Two pushbuttons for zoom. They are initialized in the code with internal pullup resistors. So for each, one side is connected to GND and the other to a digital pin.

Zoom Out Button <--> Digital Pin 47 Zoom In Button <--> Digital Pin 45

Running Instructions:

  • Navigate into "client" directory
  • run <1> <1>
  • run
  • Navigate into "server" directory
  • run
  • run <./server>

Program Description: A server and client is implemented. The arduino client will allow users to select two points on a map of edmonton using the tft display and joystick controls along side with 2 buttons for zoom in/out. The arduino will send a request to the desktop client which will run a dijkstra algorithm to find the shortest path. The two will then use a finite state machine communication program to exchange the waypoints of the shortest path and allow the arduino to print the shortest path on the map.



Language:C++ 53.7%Language:Makefile 41.2%Language:C 5.2%