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caffe install

hanyamin opened this issue · comments

Hi Lijun,
When I install caffe you provided, I got some troubles. when I executed the order "make runtest" . I got some errors as follows
[ RUN ] CuDNNConvolutionLayerTest/1.TestSimpleConvolutionCuDNN
F0329 08:59:17.664275 41802 cudnn.hpp:92] Check failed: status == CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS (3 vs. 0) CUDNN_STATUS_BAD_PARAM

The environments is as follows:
OS: Centos 7.0 64bit
cuda 7.5


Dear Hanyamin,

The error encountered in "make runtest" maybe caused by the conflict of CuDNN versions. Since our released source code uses a modified version of Conv and cannot use CuDNN engine, you can set the macro USE_CUDNN in Makefile.config to 0.
