sckott / habanero

client for Crossref search API

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How to use polite pool in content_negotiation?

Xunius opened this issue · comments


I'm currently developing a reference manager tool and I'm learning how to use Crossref. For now I only need to use the content_negotiation() function to get an bibtex entry from DOI. I saw the "The Polite Pool" section in the doc of Crossref, but no relevant info in content_negotiation(). How should I ensure polite pool practices using content_negotiation()?


thanks for the issue @Xunius

"Polite pool" only exists for the Crossref API at - which is what most of the methods in the habanero.Crossref module work with. For content negotation, requests of all formats (except one) go to a different place, documented at . The only format that goes to the Crossref API, and where the polite pool applies, is the citeproc-json format.

side note that we actually send the mailto header with the user email with all content negotation requests, but it should only have an effect when format = "citeproc-json"

@sckott Many thanks for the info!