sciyoshi / pyfacebook


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Example app not working in Django 1.2.4

pmolina opened this issue · comments

I tried to use this library with my integrated app in Django, without success.

For hours I tried to figure out why my app was looping to Facebook when using @facebook.require_login().

I followed different examples («fbsample/», different approaches in StackOverflow, forums, etcetera). I even tried to use the «fbsample/» app without modifications (except for FACEBOOK_API_KEY and FACEBOOK_SECRET_KEY, not a single line) and it's not working either.

Could you please try your own example code in order to see if it's working?


I'm having the exact same problem, looping while using @facebook.require_login(). When I comment that line out I find that the facebook uid is 'NoneType'.


@sciyoshi we need some help around here, since apparently require_login decorator is not working the way it should. Please!
@sagarun, running my django app with:
python -Wignore::DeprecationWarning runserver
did not solve the problem. The decorator just does not work at all (I can see a post from facebook, but my canvas doesn't display anything).


Never mind - the problem with the app is not caused by pyfacebook! Now facebook by default does not sent auth_token and that's why the example fails! All you need to do is go to your facebook page with app settings and choose "Advanced" to the left. Now set "Disable Deprecated Auth Methods" and "OAuth 2.0 for Canvas" to off and it will work like a charm! :)