scipag / HardeningKitty

HardeningKitty - Checks and hardens your Windows configuration

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

unauthenticated guest access

ayeyo0 opened this issue · comments

I have been trying to figure out which rule has been giving me issues with network drives. wont let me add drives due to unauthenticated guest access.

Please be more specific, otherwise I can only guess. If you have hardened a server and now want to connect a share from that server, any rule from the category User Rights Assignment that include Guest are possible culprits

"you can't access this shared folder because your organization's security policies block unauthenticated guest access" is the error message that i get when i try to add an SMB

I need the following information to help you:

  1. Did it work before you used HailMary mode?
  2. Which finding list(s) did you use?
  3. On what system did you run HailMary (server and/or client)?
  4. How do you mount the share (command)?