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User survey translations - tracking issue

InessaPawson opened this issue · comments

If you are available to help the sk-learn survey team with the questionnaire translations, please mention what language you can help us with in a comment below.

I speak Deutsch so could help with translating to German.

de: native
jp: business level
it: fluent
en: obvious

@betatim We are not planning on translating this survey into German. I truly appreciate you raising your hand to help and will keep your offer in mind for future needs.

@norbusan We would love to translate the survey questionnaire into Japanese. Do you think you could recruit another volunteer with knowledge of Japanese for the backward translation?

I may late for party but I can translate Japanese for native level.

@InessaPawson @tkoyama010 Thanks for the reaction. I can surely translate with colleagues here, but of course I am not native, so if Koyama-san can take this task, it will be definitely much better executed than I can do.

@tkoyama010 Tetsu, thank you so much for your willingness to help. I’m excited to collaborate with you on another translation that will help the Japanese scientific Python community to voice their thoughts on the development of the ecosystem.

@norbusan Since we do need 2 translators. Would you be available to do the backward translation (from Japanese into English)?

@InessaPawson thanks to both of you.
Yes I am fine with doing the backward translation!

Hello, I speak Arabic and can help with the translation.

Hey @InessaPawson,
I can help with the Portuguese translation.

@NoorhanAbbas Thank you for raising your hand! We really hoped to provide an Arabic version of the questionnaire.
Please email me to from the email address that is best for the communication related to this task.

@alexdesiqueira Thank you, Alex! Excited to collaborate on another translation with you to elevate the voices of the Portuguese speaking community.

@norbusan Is the email address listed in your GH profile best for communication related to this task? If not, please email me to from the email address that is best for it.

@norbusan Is the email address listed in your GH profile best for communication related to this task?

Yes, don't worry, I got your email and will check the translation asap, probably today.

@InessaPawson Arabic here too, If needed

@norbusan Thank you for confirming receiving my email! Just wanted to make sure it’s not buried in dozens/hundreds of GitHub notifications that you might be receiving to that address.

@razekmh Awesome! I will forward you the Arabic translation for the backward translation once it's ready.

@razekmh The Arabic translation is ready for your review. Please email me to from the email address that is best for the communication related to this task.