scikit-hep / hist

Histogramming for analysis powered by boost-histogram

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[SUPPORT] how to label the vertical axis for a 1D histogram

goi42 opened this issue · comments

I feel foolish, but I cannot figure out how to assign a label to the vertical axis on a 1D histogram, nor can I find any examples showing such a thing.

Hi @goi42, I think you can pass keyword arguments from hist through to matplotlib when plotting, but axis labels are not supported through keyword arguments as far as I know. It is possible to set the label directly with matplotlib though. There are different patterns available with various pieces of matplotlib API, here is an example that creates a figure and axes ahead of the histogram plotting call and then sets the label:

import hist
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

h =, 0, 1, name="variable").Double()

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
a = h.plot(ax=ax)  # plot on the axes created
ax.set_ylabel("abc")  # set desired label
fig.savefig("fig.png")  # fig object provides access to the figure

Another version:

import hist
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

h =, 0, 1, name="variable").Double()


Okay, it's good to know I didn't overlook something. I've opened feature request #431.