ScialdoneLab / CIARA

CIARA (Cluster Independent Algorithm for the identification of markers of RAre cell types) is an R package that identifies potential markers of rare cell types looking at genes whose expression is confined in small regions of the expression space

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CIARA (Cluster Independent Algorithm for the identification of markers of RAre cell types) is an R package that identifies potential markers of rare cell types looking at genes whose expression is confined in small regions of the expression space. It is possible to use these highly localized genes as features in standard cluster algorithm (i.e. Louvain), for identifying extremely rare population(3/4 cells from thousand of cells)


You can install the released version of CIARA from CRAN with:


And the development version from GitHub with:


Getting started

The main functions of the package are CIARA_gene and CIARA


CIARA_gene(norm_matrix, knn_matrix, gene_expression, p_value = 0.001, local_region = 1, approximation)

requires as input:

  1. norm_matrix: Norm count matrix (n_genes x n_cells)
  2. knn_matrix: K-nearest neighbors matrix (n_cells x n_cells)
  3. gene_expression: numeric vector with the gene expression (length equal to n_cells). The gene expression is binarized (equal to 0/1 in the cells where the value is below/above the median)
  4. p_value: maximum p value (returned by the R function fisher.test with parameter alternative = "g") for considering a local region enriched
  5. local_region: minimum number of local regions (cell with its knn neighbours) where the binarized gene expression is enriched in 1
  6. approximation.Logical.If TRUE, for a given gene the fisher test is run in the local regions of only the cells where the binarized gene expression is 1

The gene expression is binarized (1/0) if the value in a given cell is above/below the median. Each of cell with its first K nearest neighbors defined a local region. If there are at least local_region enriched in 1 according to fisher.test (with p value below than p_value and odds ratio above or equal to odds_ratio) , then the score for each gene is computed starting from the list of p values coming from the fihser test. The minimum of the p values across all the enriched local regions is the score of the gene. If there are no enriched local regions, the score by default are set to 1. The output of CIARA_gene is a list with one element corresponding to the p value of the gene


CIARA(norm_matrix, knn_matrix, background, cores_number = 1, p_value = 0.001,local_region = 1, approximation)

requires as input:

  1. norm_matrix: Norm count matrix (n_genes x n_cells)
  2. knn_matrix: K-nearest neighbors matrix (n_cells x n_cells)
  3. background: Vector of genes for which the function CIARA_gene is run
  4. cores_number: Integer.Number of cores to use.
  5. p_value: maximum p value (returned by the R function fisher.test with parameter alternative = "g") for considering a local region enriched
  6. local_region: minimum number of local regions (cell with its knn neighbours) where the binarized gene expression is enriched in 1
  7. approximation.Logical. If TRUE, for a given gene the fisher test is run in the local regions of only the cells where the binarized gene expression is 1

Return a dataframe with n_rows equal to the length of background . Each row is the output from CIARA_gene.

The vector of genes for which the function CIARA_gene is run can be obtained with the function get_background_full. This function gives as output a vector with all genes expressed at a level higher than threshold in a number of cells between n_cells_low and n_cells_high

Below an example of input using the development version of CIARA from GitHub

load(file = "raw_counts_human_data.Rda")
human_data_seurat <- cluster_analysis_integrate_rare(raw_counts_human_data, "Human_data", 0.1, 5, 30)
norm_matrix <- as.matrix(GetAssayData(human_data_seurat, slot = "data",assay="RNA"))
knn_matrix <- as.matrix(human_data_seurat@graphs$RNA_nn)
background <- get_background_full(norm_matrix, threshold = 1, n_cells_low = 3, n_cells_high = 20)
result <- CIARA(norm_matrix, knn_matrix, background, cores_number = 1, p_value = 0.001, local_region = 1, approximation = FALSE)

The input file raw_counts_human_data.Rda can be downloaded here

In the next two sections (Visualization of rare cell markers and Cluster analysis based on CIARA for rare cell types identification) it is shown the analysis of the scRNA seq data from human embryo at the gastrulation state from Tyser et al., 2021

Visualization of rare cell markers

We can visualize the highly localized genes identified with CIARA with the function plot_gene. For more exhaustive information about the functions offered by CIARA for visualization see Vignette below and the help page of the single functions. (?function_name). The pattern expression of the top two genes according to CIARA are shown.

load(system.file("extdata", "result.Rda", package = "CIARA"))
ciara_genes <- row.names(result)[result[, 1] < 1]
ciara_genes_top <- row.names(result)[order(as.numeric(result[, 1]))]
coordinate_umap <-, reduction = "umap")[, 1:2])
# In the example below we keep the same umap coordinate used in the original paper
meta_info <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "annot_umap.rds", package ="CIARA"))
coordinate_umap <- meta_info[,2:3]

for(i in ciara_genes_top[1:2]){
  q <- plot_gene(norm_matrix, coordinate_umap, i, i)
  p <- list(p,q)

We can visualize which are the rare cell markers expressed in a particular region of the umap plot with the function plot_localized_genes and in an interactive way with plot_localized_genes_interactive. Each cell is coloured according to the number of expressed rare cell markers shared with neighboring cells. These two functions are currently only present in the development version of CIARA.

localized_genes_human <-  detect_localized_genes(knn_matrix,norm_matrix,ciara_genes_top,100)  
list_intersect <-  localized_genes_human[[1]]
rank_intersect <-  localized_genes_human[[2]]
genes_name_text <-  names_localized_genes(list_intersect ,ciara_genes_top,max_number = 5)

Below the vector of colors is defined.

ramp <- colorRamp(c("white", "blue4"))
ramp.list <- rgb( ramp(seq(0, 1, length = length(unique(rank_intersect)))), max = 255)

breaks <- seq(0,max(rank_intersect),length.out=1000)
# library gplots must be installed for executing the following command
gradient1 <- gplots::colorpanel( sum( breaks[-1]<= as.numeric(quantile(breaks,0.15))), "#FFFFFF",ramp.list[index_color])
gradient2 <- gplots::colorpanel( sum( breaks[-1] > as.numeric(quantile(breaks,0.15)) ), ramp.list[index_color], "#00008B" )
hm.colors <- c(gradient1,gradient2)
plot_localized_genes(coordinate_umap,norm_matrix,rank_intersect,"Top genes CIARA",hm.colors)


Cluster analysis based on CIARA for rare cell types identification

We can use the genes identified by CIARA as features in standard algorithm (i.e. Louvain) for the identification of extremely rare population of cells (3/4 cells from dataset of thousand of cells). This approach consists of four steps:

  1. general cluster assignment: A standard cluster analysis on all the dataset is performed. It is possible to use the function cluster_analysis_integrate_rare based on Seurat functions (RunPCA,FindNeighbors,FindClusters) with HVGs as features or an existing cluster assignment available for the dataset.
  2. Identification of rare population: A standard cluster analysis (with the function cluster_analysis_integrate_rare) is performed on all the dataset using as features the highly localized genes provided by the function CIARA
  3. Merging of step 1 and 2: Any cluster identified at step 2 of size smaller than max_number constitutes an independent cluster.
  4. Identification of markers for small clusters: It is possible to check if the rare cell types are well defined according to their markers with the function white_black_markers. See ?white_black_markers for more information.
  5. Identification of cell sub-types: For each of the cluster identified at step 3, a Fisher test is performed to see if there is a statistically significant enrichment between the HVGs in the cluster and the highly localized genes (function test_hvg). For all the clusters where there is an enrichment, a sub cluster analysis starting from the original cluster is performed using as features HVGs (function cluster_analysis_sub)

An example is the following:

# step 1
human_embryo_analysis <- cluster_analysis_integrate_rare(raw_counts = raw_counts_human_data, project_name = "Human_Embryo_data", resolution = 0.1, neighbors=5, max_dimension = 30)
human_embryo_cluster <- as.vector(human_embryo_analysis$seurat_clusters)
# or we can also use the original cluster annotation provided by Tyser et al,2020
original_cluster <- as.vector(meta_info$cluster_id)
human_embryo_cluster <- original_cluster
# step 2
human_embryo_analysis_ciara <- cluster_analysis_integrate_rare(raw_counts_human_data, "Human_Embryo_data", 0.01, 5, 30, ciara_genes)
# step 3
final_cluster <- merge_cluster(original_cluster, human_embryo_analysis_ciara$seurat_clusters, max_number = 20)
final_cluster[grep("step_2",final_cluster)] <- "PGC"

With CIARA is possible to obtain in a completely unsupervised way the primordial germ cells cluster (PGCs), that in the original paper (Tyser et al., 2021) was detected only with a supervised approach.

# step 4
result_test <- test_hvg(raw_counts_human_data,final_cluster, ciara_genes, background, number_hvg = 100, min_p_value = 0.001)
 "Endoderm"  "Hemogenic Endothelial Progenitors"
# We need to do sub cluster in the above two clusters
raw_endoderm <- raw_counts_human_data[, human_embryo_cluster == "Endoderm"]
raw_emo <- raw_counts_human_data[, human_embryo_cluster == "Hemogenic Endothelial Progenitors"]
combined_endoderm <- cluster_analysis_sub(raw_endoderm, 0.2, 5, 30, "Endoderm")
combined_emo <- cluster_analysis_sub(raw_emo, 0.6, 5, 30, "Hemogenic Endothelial Progenitors")

all_sub_cluster <- c(combined_endoderm$seurat_clusters, combined_emo$seurat_clusters)
names(final_cluster) <- colnames(raw_counts_human_data)
final_cluster_version_sub <- merge_cluster(final_cluster, all_sub_cluster)
plot_umap(coordinate_umap, final_cluster_version_sub)

With the cluster analysis based on CIARA we are able to detect two clusters (Endoderm_2 and and Hemogenic Endothelial Progenitors_4 highlighted in the plot) that were not reported in the original paper.

For more exhaustive information about the functions offered by CIARA for the identification of rare populations of cells see Vignette below and the help page of the single functions. (?function_name).

Comparison with other published methods for rare cell types identification

We use the Matthews Correlation Coefficient (MCC) to evaluate the performance of other methods in the task of identfying the PGCs cluster from human gastrula (Tyser et al., 2021). CIARA is the only able to detect the original PGCs cluster (7 cells).


The following vignette is available and completely reproducible. It uses single cell RNA seq from human embryo at the gastrulation state from Tyser et al., 2021. The raw count matrix was downloaded from []. An extremely rare population of primordial germ cells (PGCs-7 cells) is easily identified with CIARA. It can be accessed within R with:



The paper CIARA: a cluster-independent algorithm for the identification of markers of rare cell types from single-cell RNA seq data is available as a preprint on biorxiv. A BibTeX entry for LaTeX users is

@article {Lubatti2022.08.01.501965,
	author = {Lubatti, Gabriele and Stock, Marco and Iturbide, Ane and Ruiz Tejada Segura, Mayra L. and Tyser, Richard and Theis, Fabian J. and Srinivas, Shankar and Torres-Padilla, Maria-Elena and Scialdone, Antonio},
	title = {CIARA: a cluster-independent algorithm for the identification of markers of rare cell types from single-cell RNA seq data},
	elocation-id = {2022.08.01.501965},
	year = {2022},
	doi = {10.1101/2022.08.01.501965},
	publisher = {Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory},
	URL = {},
	eprint = {},
	journal = {bioRxiv}

Contributions and Support

Contributions in the form of feedback, comments, code and bug report are welcome.


CIARA (Cluster Independent Algorithm for the identification of markers of RAre cell types) is an R package that identifies potential markers of rare cell types looking at genes whose expression is confined in small regions of the expression space


Language:R 100.0%